Channel Catfish

Channel Catfish 
Photo by: Matthew R. Thomas​
Identification:   A long, slender-bodied catfish with a deeply-forked caudal fin. Color is olive to pale gray on the back and sides, often with small black spots, and a white belly. It is similar to the Blue Catfish, but differs by having a rounded (vs. straight) anal fin margin and dark spots on the sides of the body (vs. spots absent). Adults can grow to about 4 ft. (60 lbs.), but typically range from 12-32 in. (1-15 lbs.).
Distribution and Habitat:   Common statewide in medium-sized streams to large rivers, but adaptable to a variety of habitats. Valued as a sport and food fish, the Channel Catfish is routinely stocked in ponds and reservoirs throughout the state.