Commission_Meeting_Recap-2024-08 graphic

Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission proposed regulation changes at its quarterly meeting on Aug. 30

​​​​NOTE: The following is a summary of actions taken by the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission at its quarterly meeting on Aug. 30, 2024. Official meeting minutes will be reviewed at a future meeting. Please note that proposed regulation changes are reviewed by the legislative branch for legal conformity, which typically takes several months. Both proposed and recently enacted amendments are posted at The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources provides this summary to enhance the public’s awareness about potential changes to hunting, fishing, boating or other related regulations.

FRANKFORT, Ky. (Sept. 4, 2024) — In an Aug. 30, 2024 meeting the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission voted to recommend amendments to several hunting and wildlife regulations. ​​

​​In addition to approving the June 21, 2024, quarterly meeting minutes, commission members voted in favor of the following action items presented at the meeting (thus authorizing staff to promulgate regulatory changes for subsequent legislative approval).

​​Action items approved by the commission included (each will require legislative approval before being enacted):

  • Amend 301 KAR 2:172 to extend the early youth gun deer season starting in 2025 to nine consecutive days beginning the second Saturday in October in all four deer hunting zones.
  • Promulgate a regulation to prohibit use of aircraft (drones, helicopters, airplanes, etc.) in any aspect of take of fish or wildlife. This change will bring state regulations in conformity with federal law prohibiting take with aircraft (16 US Code §​ 742). Certain activities will be exempted, including: the department and its agents conducting research, communications, enforcement and other authorized management activities; authorized landowners/their agents engaged in lawful wildlife damage control activities; and commercial fishers locating or removing invasive carp.
  • Amend 301 KAR 2:225 to prohibit the use of decoys on public dove fields during the month of September.
  • Amend 301 KAR 2:222​ to streamline, clarify and update numerous public lands waterfowl hunting requirements. Details about the changes and applicable WMAs are listed in the Aug. 30 meeting agenda.
  • ​Amend 301 KAR 2:225 to reduce September teal season in Kentucky starting in 2025 from nine (9) days to five (5) days, running concurrently with the September wood duck season. This change will conform to new federal requirements for teal season.

If approved by the legislature, proposed administrative regulation changes are generally anticipated to take effect within six to nine months of their filing.​​

​​Other actions approved by the commission (legislative approvals not required) included:

  • Awarded a total of 10 special commission permits (per state law) each for deer, turkey, elk and waterfowl hunting in 2025, to the following nonprofit organizations to be used in fundraising for conservation projects in Kentucky:
    • Boone and Crockett Club (elk)
    • Camp Hero (deer)
    • Caldwell County Sportsman Club (turkey)
    • Carr Creek Fish and Game Club (deer, turkey, waterfowl, elk)
    • Cave City Trap Club (deer, turkey, waterfowl, elk)
    • Hopkins County Sportsmen and Sportswomen Club (deer, turkey, waterfowl)
    • Kentucky Ducks Unlimited (waterfowl)
    • Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Foundation (deer, turkey, waterfowl, elk)
    • Kentucky Grouse Hunters Association (turkey)
    • Kentucky Houndsmen Association Foundation for Sportsmen Rights (deer, elk)
    • Kentucky Hunters for the Hungry (deer, turkey, waterfowl, elk)
    • Northern Kentucky Fly Fishers (deer, turkey, waterfowl, elk)
    • League of Kentucky Sportsmen (waterfowl, elk)
    • Northern Kentucky Quail Forever (deer, turkey, waterfowl, elk)
    • Scholastic Archery Association Corporation - Kentucky Division (deer, turkey, waterfowl, elk)

  • A study of the migration of Eastern Whip-poor-will, a declining species, in partnership with the University of Kentucky.
  • A study of wildlife-vehicle collisions in partnership with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, which is funding the study.
  • A research project for identifying genetic markers for trophy size in native Largemouth Bass, with the goal of eventually propagating bass with those genetics in our hatcheries to support future stocking of “Thoroughbred Bass” in Kentucky waters.

Finally, the commission unanimously approved the following actions in open session after discussing them in closed session:​​

  • Five land projects, including four acquisitions and one land swap. (Details regarding land projects are typically discussed in closed session as allowed under Kentucky’s open meetings law, to help preclude adverse impacts to the commonwealth’s interests in its negotiations and legal proceedings.)
  • Renewal of the personal services contract for Commissioner Rich Storm for a term of four years.

The commission also heard new business and discussion items that will be considered further at its next quarterly meeting.​​

​​Business items on the commission's meeting agenda that include proposed changes to regulations typically follow a three-step process at successive quarterly meetings, with items introduced first as new business, then proceeding for further discussion, and finally appearing as action items (at the commission’s discretion). This general stepwise process was adopted by the commission in 2020 to allow adequate time for public awareness and comment on proposed regulatory changes. Agendas for commission meetings are posted at in advance of the meeting dates, and details about meeting logistics and submitting public comments are included therein.

The meeting was livestreamed on the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources’ YouTube channel, where a replay of the meeting is available on demand.​​

​​Individuals or organizations may contact their district representative on the commission about any pertinent topic of concern. Procedures for submitting public comments about current business items via email or in person are outlined in the agenda for each meeting, which is generally posted on the agency’s website 1-2 weeks prior to the meeting date.

The commission, a nine-member board comprised of volunteers who serve four-year terms, recommends hunting, fishing and boating regulations on behalf of the anglers, hunters, and other wildlife-related stakeholders in the commonwealth. Any recommendation by the commission to amend or create a state administrative regulation must receive legislative approval before becoming law. The process of promulgating regulations or amendments spans several months.​​

​​The next quarterly commission meeting date is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 6, 2024, in Frankfort. An agenda will be posted at when available.

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