Assisting Private Landowners with Wildlife Management
About 95% of the land in Kentucky is privately owned. To successfully manage our wildlife resources, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources works cooperatively with Kentucky's private landowners.
One of the essential ingredients in conserving Kentucky’s wildlife resources is habitat improvement. Our Habitat Improvement Program offers an opportunity for interested landowners or managers, hunters, and groups to work with wildlife professionals toward a common goal of improving wildlife habitat--their cover, food, water, and space--across the state.
Wildlife biologists are available to work with interested individuals or groups on properties of 25 acres or more that they own or have management rights on. This program helps create suitable habitats that benefit local wildlife populations and demonstrate to others the value of such improvements. The technical assistance is designed to help participants to meet their goals. There is no obligation for participation in this program.
The Habitat Improvement Program can provide a link to available funds and other assistance offered by state, federal, and private agencies. There are many opportunities to receive technical assistance and even financial assistance through a variety of programs for incorporating wildlife habitat improvement projects into ongoing farming operations and other land management systems.
Funding for habitat improvement projects is dependent upon how the projects will benefit wildlife. Availability of funds is also subject to annual changes in federal and state appropriations. Eligible projects must be approved before they are begun. Some commonly recommended practices include fescue eradication, beneficial grass establishment, shallow-wetland creation, and tree or shrub planting.
Whether your recreational enjoyment comes from hunting, photographing, or simply observing wildlife, the Habitat Improvement Program can help make a difference in wildlife use of your property. Take advantage of this program to increase your enjoyment, knowing that you are helping conserve wildlife populations and their habitats.
Let a wildlife biologist help you put wild know-how to work on your land. There is no charge or obligation for participating in this program. You will not be required to allow hunting or other public uses of your land if you participate in this or other technical guidance programs.
Habitat How-To's
The "Habitat How-To" documents below cover some of the more common habitat management practices when developing an overall farm plan. These publications were designed to give the reader a good understanding of why, where and how to implement each of the practices covered. On the last page of each document is a "Summary of Options" section, which gives a general overview of options to consider for each practice. There is also a list of "Related Habitat How-To References", which lists other management practices that are often associated with the maintenance of or enhancement of the management practice in question.
Each of the management practices described will benefit wildlife to some degree, but having the right combination of practices in the right location is the key to having a complete wildlife management plan. Please take time to read over the Habitat How-To's that interest you and then contact one of our Private lands biologists to help in developing an overall wildlife management plan for your property.
Request More Information
To find out more about the KY Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources’ Habitat Improvement Program or other programs, contact the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources at
The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources provides services to all Kentuckians and our visitors, while operating on user fees and related grants. Licenses, permits, Kentucky Wild memberships, and boating registrations enable us to achieve our mission. Thank you for investing in fish and wildlife conservation and recreation programs in Kentucky through your purchases.
KDFWR does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services and provides, upon request, reasonable accommodation including auxiliary aids and services necessary to afford individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in all programs and activities.