Grant Information

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Grants are made available by Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) on a first-come-first-serve basis. All grant requirements must be fulfilled in order to receive future grant opportunities. ONLY certified Explore Bowhunting Instructors qualify for Explore Bowhunting Grants. (Have completed an Explore Bowhunting Instructor Workshop)

Grants & Equipment Loans

KDFWR will make funding assistance up to $999 per organization (per state fiscal year) available to qualifying Explore Bowhunting programs at schools or other organizations (Hosts) statewide on a first-come, first-served basis in four ways:

  1. Equipment Grant: Up to $800 reimbursement grant toward the purchase of the “equipment kit” and necessary supplies to start an EB program. Price of the kit may vary; KDFWR will reimburse ½ the actual kit cost up to $800 upon receiving both student registrations and evaluations.(PO’s Accepted)
  2. Loaner Kit: A limited number of Loaner Kits are available. The use of a loaner kit is provided on a year to year basis upon fulfilling grant requirements. Borrowers representing approved Host organizations must sign a loaner kit agreement accepting responsibility for all equipment and replacement costs for lost/damaged items. The Loaner Kit Agreement is signed at time of pick-up.
  3. 3D Target Grant: The Fish & Wildlife Foundation will be offering targets on a first-come-first-serve basis to Kentucky Explore Bowhunting programs based on student registration. For every 10 student registrations submitted a 3D target will be awarded (up to 3 targets per organization per year). This grant is offered on its own or in addition to all other grants.