Kentucky Bio: Natural Diversity in the Commonwealth

Kentucky Educational Television (KET) has partnered with the Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission, the University Press of Kentucky, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Wickcliffe Mounds State Historic Site to develop an ebook for the 21st-century classroom. Kentucky Bio: Natural Diversity in the Commonwealth was made possible through a grant from The Ryan Fund of the Green River Area Community Foundation and The Pentair Foundation.  To check out this award winning, free, standards-based online resource, visit PBS LearningMedia or if viewing on an iPad go to Kentucky iTunes U.

Developed as a supplement to existing Kentucky-based curriculum for grades 4-6, the multimedia ebook consists of five chapters. From What Is Biodiversity? to Why Is Biodiversity Important to You? students learn about the unique natural and geographic diversity of our state and the ways in which they can help preserve the environment for future generations. The ebook also provides engaging learning experiences related to biology, geology, and environmental science concepts and vocabulary.

Kentucky Bio features images and interactives adapted from Kentucky’s Natural Heritage: An Illustrated Guide to Biodiversity published by the Nature Preserves Commission and the University Press of Kentucky. In just two of the many interactive elements, students will Design an Ecosystem and Follow Kentucky Through Geologic Time. The ebook also features video from the award-winning KET series Kentucky Life and KET educational resource collections such as Think Garden and Water Solutions.

According to Esther Tattershall, the Kentucky Bio producer, “At KET we think teachers do amazing work in the classroom every day. We want support them in any way we can. In providing teachers with quality instructional resources like Kentucky Bio, we hope to partner with educators across the Commonwealth.” To check out this award winning, free, standards-based online resource, visit PBS LearningMedia orKentucky iTunes U.