Brown Trout

Brown Trout 
Illustration by: Rick Hill
Identification:  The Brown Trout has a streamlined body, but slightly deeper than Rainbow Trout. The mouth is large and the upper jaw extends beyond the rear margin of the eye. It is distinguished from Rainbow Trout by having fewer and larger black spots on the back, and red mixed with black spots surrounded by pale halos on the sides. It differs from Brook Trout by having dark round spots on a lighter colored body (vs. light worm-like spots on a darker colored body). The Brown Trout is the largest of the three trout in Kentucky, reaching weights of more than 20 lbs. in larger streams and rivers. 
Distribution and Habitat:  Native to Europe and western Asia, the Brown Trout is stocked as a sport fish in cool, upland creeks, streams, and rivers in the eastern two-thirds of the state. Brown Trout are stocked in far fewer locations than Rainbow Trout.