
There are many different varieties of Naiads (Brittle or Spiny Naiad (Najas minor), Marine Naiad (Najas marina) and Southern Naiad (Najas guadalupensis), among others).  For the most part they are all rooted submerged plants with smaller green leaves (½” to 1 ½” long) that can be highly toothed.  Flowers are typically smaller and at the base of the leaves  and they often can only be observed through a microscope.  This thin, branching plant has leaves appear as a plume rather than whorls.  It can completely cover shallow areas and can become “topped-out”.  It somewhat resembles Chara but it has no noticeable odor.




Management Options

Mechanical Options

Naiads can be controlled through cutting and raking, dyes or fertilizers or barriers.

Information on Mechanical Treatment of Aquatic Vegetation


Biological Options

Grass carp will consume naiads and are excellent at controlling them.

Information on Biological Treatment of Aquatic Vegetation


Chemical Options

The active ingredients that have been successful in treating naiads include: Copper Based (G), Diquat (E), Endothall (E), Flumioxazin (E), Fluridone (E), Penoxsulam (G) and Copper Based + Diquat (E). E = excellent, G = good

Information on Chemical Treatment of Aquatic Vegetation


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