Creeping Water Primrose

Water primrose (Ludwigia peploides) stands erect along the shoreline but also has long runners (up to 16 feet) that creep across wet soil or float out across the water surface.  Leaves range from lance-shaped to willow-like and are green to reddish depending on the species. The leaves are arranged alternately around thick, hollow stem that is green to red; leaves can have many different shapes, but they are often oval or club-shaped.  The single flowers are yellow with 4 or 5 petals depending on the species. Flowers vary in size from 1 inch to 2 inches in diameter.  The leaves on runners are often maroon in color, shorter and more rounded, and lay flat on the surface.




Management Options

Mechanical Options

Creeping water primrose can be cut and removed from the pond.

Information on Mechanical Treatment of Aquatic Vegetation


Biological Options

There are no biological control options for creeping water primrose.


Chemical Options

The active ingredients that have been successful in treating creeping water primrose include: 2, 4-D (E), Diquat (E), Glyphosphate (E), Imazamox (E), Imazapyr (E) and Triclopyr (E). E = excellent, G = good

Information on Chemical Treatment of Aquatic Vegetation


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