
Horsetail (Equisetum hyemale) is a very primitive plant with dark-green, hollow, jointed stems with no true leaves. Stems may be singular or have whorls of branches, but only single stems produce the cone-shaped spore producing body at the tip.  Horsetail stems contain silica crystals (i.e. sand) embedded in their tissue. This gritty texture gives it a common name of “scouring rush”.




Management Options

Mechanical Options

Horsetail can be cut and removed from the pond.

Information on Mechanical Treatment of Aquatic Vegetation


Biological Options

There are no biological options for controlling horsetail.


Chemical Options

The active ingredients that have been successful in treating horsetail include: Diquat (G) and Glyphosphate (G). E = excellent, G = good

Information on Chemical Treatment of Aquatic Vegetation


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