
Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) forms dense branching colonies and after reaching the surface, can extend across it forming thick mats. Leaves are blade-like with small teeth on the margins and spines on the underside of the midrib which make them feel rough to the touch. Leaves are usually in a whorled arrangement with 4 to 8 leaves in a whorl.  Hydrilla can form mats on the water’s surface in water up to 20 feet deep.


Click Here to help stop the spread of Hydrilla in Kentucky!!





Management Options

Mechanical Options

Hydrilla can be controlled through cutting and raking, dyes or fertilizers or barriers.

Information on Mechanical Treatment of Aquatic Vegetation


Biological Options

Grass carp will consume hydrilla and are excellent at controlling it.

Information on Biological Treatment of Aquatic Vegetation


Chemical Options

The active ingredients that have been successful in treating hydrilla include: Bispyribac Sodium (E), Copper Based (G), Diquat (G), Endothall (G), Flumioxazin (G), Fluridone (E), Imazamox (G), Penoxsulam (E) and Copper Based + Diquat (E). E = excellent, G = good

Information on Chemical Treatment of Aquatic Vegetation


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