Flathead Catfish

Flathead Catfish 
Photo by: Matthew R. Thomas​ 
Identification:   A large, slender-bodied catfish with a broad, flattened head and projecting lower jaw. Color is yellow to brown, with dark brown and black mottling on the back and sides, fading to pale yellow or white on the belly. A white tip on the upper lobe of the caudal fin is usually visible, except in very large fish. Adults can grow to at least 5 ft. (120 lbs.), but most individuals ranging from 15-50 in. (1-60 lbs.) are most common.
Distribution and Habitat:   Common statewide in sluggish streams, rivers, and reservoirs. Adults occupy deep pools around fallen timber, brush piles, and other debris. Juveniles and smaller individuals occur in swift, shallow areas (e.g., riffles) over rocky or firm sand bottoms.