Freshwater Drum

Freshwater Drum 
Photo by: Matthew R. Thomas

Identification:   A large, silvery, and deep-bodied fish with a short 1st dorsal fin and long 2nd dorsal fin. The body is steeply arched from the snout to the dorsal fin origin, giving it a “humpbacked” appearance. The lateral line extends onto the caudal fin, which has a pointed to rounded margin. Adults can grow to 37 in. (nearly 60 lbs.), but usually range from 12-20 in. (1-5 lbs.). 
Distribution and Habitat:   Common statewide in medium-sized streams to large rivers and reservoirs. The Freshwater Drum is a bottom-feeder and usually occupies sluggish pools and backwaters of rivers, and deep, open waters of reservoirs.