Redear Sunfish

Redear Sunfish 
Photo by: Matthew R. Thomas

Identification:  A moderately large, deep bodied sunfish with relatively long, pointed snout and small mouth. The upper jaw does not extend past the front of the eye. Similar to Bluegill, but differs by having an orange or red margin on a black gill or “ear” flap, no dark spot at the rear of the soft dorsal fin, and body without dark vertical bars evenly spaced along the sides (in adults). Adults can grow to 15 in. (4 lbs.), but usually reach 8-11 in. (about 1 lb.).

Distribution and Habitat:  Occurs sporadically statewide. Preferred habitat includes warm lowland swamps, oxbows, and sluggish backwaters or side channels of streams and rivers. They usually associate with stumps, logs, brush, and other aquatic vegetation. Redear Sunfish are stocked in many ponds and reservoirs throughout the state.