An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Photo by Jayson Plaxico
All bear species have an incredible sense of smell. Consequently, it is important to remember that it is the odor of food items that first lure bears near homes or neighborhoods. If that lure is strong enough, and food is successfully obtained, then bears may very likely make it a habit to visit those types of areas for food. The most successful measures to alleviate human-bear conflicts must, therefore, be proactive and be put into effect before a problem develops.
Bears are powerful animals and they may damage property in their pursuit of human-related foods. By following these simple guidelines for managing attractants you can prevent unnecessary damage. More importantly, you can help stop the cycle of food-conditioned and human-habituated behaviors that bears learn when feeding near human dwellings. And remember that even one person intentionally or unintentionally feeding bears will cause problems for an entire neighborhood. So please, encourage your neighbors to follow these important precautions.
Photo by Dave Huff
Access to garbage annually accounts for approximately 70% of all nuisance complaints received by the KDFWR. As such, garbage is the most abundant and widely distributed attractant available to bears. Following these guidelines will significantly reduce the potential for human-bear conflicts at your residence.
Photo bt KDFWR Personnel
Injuries to pets by black bears are not a common occurrence in Kentucky. The threat is possible, however, and simple precautions can eliminate this unnecessary problem. In fact, almost all pet injuries are the result of bears attempting to obtain pet food, rather than attempt to intentionally harm the pet itself.
Photo by Steven Dobey
As is the case with pets, injury or death to livestock is an uncommon occurrence in Kentucky. The potential does exist, however, so we encourage landowners to minimize conflicts by following these guidelines.
Birdfeeders are often overlooked when it comes to minimizing human-bear conflicts in residential areas. However, these feeders supply an easy food source and provide an easy meal to bears.