Contacts for Fisheries Staff

​​If you have a general question, please call our Information Center at 800-858-1549 or e-mail the Information Center.



All administration personnel are located in Frankfort. This includes the Fisheries Division Director and four Assistant Directors.

Personnel are:

Dave Dreves, Director​

Jeff Ross, Assistant Director

Mike Hardin, Assistant Director

Joseph Zimmerman, Assistant Director

Josh Pennington​​​, Assistant Director


Fisheries Districts

The District offices are involved with the management of the fisheries in their district including recommendations such as size limits, creel limits, and fish stocking changes.  Day to day activities involve conducting fish population surveys, construction of fish attractors in public lakes, conducting creel surveys and other duties. They also provide assistance regarding pond management and other fisheries information requests. District staff also serves as a response team to fish kills and pollution incidents.

The district personnel are:

Western Fishery District: and

Northwestern Fishery District: and

Southwestern Fishery District: and

Central Fishery District: and

Northeastern Fishery District:​ and ​​​

Southeastern Fishery District and

Eastern Fishery District and


Map showing Fisheries District boundaries and office locations


Fish Hatcheries

There are two hatcheries located in Kentucky that are owned and operated by the KDFWR and one hatchery that is owned and operated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The hatcheries produce the fish that are stocked within the state and a few that are provided for other states.

Minor Clark Hatchery and Peter W. Pfeiffer Hatchery are KDFWR hatcheries that produce cool and warm water fishes such as largemouth bass, muskellunge, walleyes, striped bass, hybrid striped bass, bluegill, redear sunfish, blue catfish and channel catfish.  They also house the fish transportation section, which transports and stocks fish all over the Commonwealth.

Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery (USFWS) produces cold water fishes such as brown, brook and rainbow trout.

All the hatcheries are involved in additional projects such as mussel production and protection.

The hatchery contacts are:

Minor Clark Fish Hatchery

Peter W. Pfeiffer Fish Hatchery Noah.Nelson@ky.g​ov

Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery


Fisheries Research and Aquatic Education

The Fisheries Research Section of the Fisheries Division has six primary sections including five field research subsections and one computer support section. All subsections of the research section are based in Frankfort, except for Critical Species Investigations, which is located in Murray, KY.  The field research subsections are involved with intensively studying management activities such as size limits, creel limits, fish stockings, and other management activities that might have statewide implications. The biostatistics section is responsible for providing technical assistance to all fisheries division staff and is responsible for analyzing creel survey data and updating and maintaining all Division databases. The Aquatic Education section is responsible for scheduling educational fishing events and promoting fishing to both youth and adults.

The Fisheries Research and Aquatic Education personnel are:

Federal Aid Coordinator:

Databases and Web Management:

Big Rivers Research:

Urban Fisheries:

Non-Game Fishes:

Critical Species Investigations - Murray:

Critical Species Investigations - Frankfort:

Aquatic Habitat:

Aquatic Education:

Aquatic Nuisance Species Coordinator:


Environmental Section

The major duties of this section include fish kills, pollution invest​igation, disease investigation, environmental revie​ws and rare and endangered species requests. Environmental reviews include Environmental Imp​act Statements, Environmental Assessments, U.S. C.O.E. Section 404 Permits, Department of Transportation Projects, Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permits, hydroelectric permits, and coal mining permits. Over 500 requests per year are made to satisfy rare and endangered species information needs.

Contact: EmilyM.Lawson@ky.go​v