Rock Bass

Rock Bass 
Photo by: Matthew R. Thomas

Identification:  A stout-bodied sunfish with a large mouth and rows of brown-black spots along the side. The upper jaw extends to below the middle of the eye. The back and upper sides are dark green or brown with brassy yellow flecks and 4-5 wide dark saddles over the back and down the sides, often having a blotchy appearance. The Rock Bass is often called “redeye” or “goggleye” in reference to its large, deep red eyes. Adults grow to 17 in. (3 lbs.), but fish exceeding 12 in. are rare.

Distribution and Habitat:  Inhabits clear, upland streams and rivers throughout the eastern two-thirds of the state. Rock Bass typically prefer silt-free pools with cover in the form of boulders, logs, undercut banks, or beds of water willow.