To effectively manage Kentucky’s wildlife, the department of fish and wildlife conducts a variety of studies. As a hunter, you can greatly assist this effort by submitting information from your hunts or parts of the animals that you take. The samples and information you provide are essential for determining the size, trends, and health of the wildlife populations you hunt. Please take the time to participate in one or all of the following surveys.
Small game hunters can help gather valuable data about the state’s small game populations by keeping a daily hunting diary. Information provided by hunters aids in monitoring population trends and making sound management decisions. Diary type hunting logs are available for rabbit, quail, grouse, and squirrel hunting. These hunting logs are available below in a printable form with instructions. Simply click on the species of interest and print!
Another way quail hunters can help is by sending in one wing from each bobwhite quail. Pre-addressed quail wing envelopes are available by calling the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources at 1-800-858-1549.
All cooperators in any of the small game surveys will receive their old hunting log, a copy of the results of the survey they participated in, and a small gift of our appreciation for your cooperation.