Kentucky Afield Television

Longest Continuously-Running Outdoors Television Show!

Kentucky Afield Television is the longest contin​​​uously-running outdoors television show in the nation. First airing in 1953, it is one of the very oldest television shows still airing on any subject. Our research tells us it ranks 4th. Holding the record for longevity is Meet the Press (November 6, 1947), followed by the Today Show (January 14, 1952). That’s good company!

Explore Kentucky from the comfort of your easy chair with Kentucky Afield. The show about wildlife, hunting, fishing, and fun in Kentucky’s outdoors.

Each week, we get mud on our boots in a different part of the state. It could be hunting deer, wild turkey at Peabody WMA or stalking elk in coal country. You may spot us in your sights hunting geese in the back water sloughs of Henderson or Ballard County or boating to the bass on Lake Cumberland. No matter where the woods and waters take us, you’ll always find us on KET.

We are on Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. EST/7:30 p.m. CST and repeats Sundays at 4:30 p.m. EST/3:30 p.m. CST on KET 1. WKYT (CBS) airs Kentucky Afield on Sunday's at 6:30 a.m. EST/5:30 a.m. CST. The CW Lexington airs Kentucky Afield on Sunday's at 11:30 p.m. EST/10:30 p.m. CST.

Watch the Latest Episode of Kentucky Afield:

March 22, 2025 Full Show - Green Wing Adventure Youth Waterfowl Hunt, Father-Son Youth Turkey Hunt

This week, is all about youth hunters! First, we tag along with some youth hunters as they go duck hunting for the very first time. Then, we hop in a blind with a father-son duo on a spring turkey hunt!


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Kentucky Afield TV host Chad Miles

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Fast Facts

  • Born from the Kentucky Afield Radio show which premiered in 1952.
  • Wildlife and TV? This odd couple proved the perfect pair. This was a bold step for a state government agency. “We’re not in the TV business, we’re in the wildlife business and this is the best way to deliver the message of conservation to the people”, noted original host Ron Rhody. "Not only did the program have its finger on the pulse of those who loved to hunt and fish, it was fun to watch... and still is."
Kentucky Afield Logo  

Long Live Outdoor TV

Kentucky Afield is the longest continuously-running outdoors television show in the nation. First airing in 1953, it is one of the very oldest television shows still airing on any subject. Our research tells us it ranks 4th. Holding the record for longevity is Meet the Press (November 6, 1947), followed by the Today Show (January 14, 1952). That’s good company!

For local audiences in 1953, Kentucky Afield was popular right along side “I Married Joan,” Milton Berle, Groucho Marx, Fireside Theatre, and the Jack Benny Show. While television has changed, the simple message of Kentucky Afield has not. The sportsman’s dollar provides a benefit to the entire state in protecting our wildlife and providing nature-related recreation for us all.

Kentucky Afield TV Timeline:

  • 1953 - Kentucky Afield debuts on WAVE TV 3, Louisville
    Ron Rhody, Host. Harry Towles, (KDFWR Director of Public Relations) delivered the weekly fishing report Broadcast live - in studio - on Saturday mornings.
  • 1957 - Hope Carleton named host. Hope hosted Kentucky Afield for 23 years.
  • 1980 - Jeremy Dreier named host as Hope Carleton retires.
  • 1985 - Dreier strikes a deal with Kentucky Educational Television to air the show statewide.
  • 1988 - Tim Michaels named host.
  • 1989 - Dave Shuffett becomes the show's fifth host.
    Accompanied by trusty companion Sam, a golden retriever. Magazine format adopted.
  • 1995 - Tim Farmer named as the sixth host.
  • 2016 - Chad Miles becomes show's seventh host.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
