Bald Eagle FAQs
How common is it to see a Bald Eagle in Kentucky?
Sightings of Bald Eagles in Kentucky are becoming increasingly more common and widespread. Bald eagles can be seen just about anywhere in Kentucky, especially during the migration and winter season (September-March). Nonetheless, seeing a Bald Eagle is exciting every time!
I saw a Bald Eagle! Who should I report this information to?
Sightings of Bald Eagles in Kentucky are becoming more common and widespread. Bald eagles can be seen just about anywhere in Kentucky during the migration and winter season (September-March). Carrion provides a good winter food source for eagles, away from open water. Sightings of individual eagles (not at a nest) do not need to be reported to KDFWR.
KDFWR tracks the location and productivity of Bald Eagle nests in Kentucky. New nests are found every year. If you think you have discovered a new nest, please call us or e-mail us at (1-800-858-1549) to report it.
I have a Bald Eagle nest on my property. What should I do?
If you have not yet reported the nest to KDFWR, please call us or e-mail us at (1-800-858-1549) to report it. (Please be assured that we do not release locations of eagle nests to the public.)
Having a Bald Eagle nest on your property does not mean you cannot continue to farm, hunt or otherwise use your property. However, development or logging within 660 ft of the nest tree may require special coordination and the nest tree should not be cut down. Feel free to contact us if you are a property owner with an eagle nest and have concerns about planning potentially disturbing activities near the nest.
How can I avoid disturbing Bald Eagles?
When watching eagles for enjoyment, please maintain a distance to avoid disrupting the birds' normal behavior. A distance of 330 ft is recommended for avoiding disturbance to nesting Bald Eagles by human foot traffic.
The National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines are available to guide developers and landowners in avoiding disturbance to Bald Eagles. This document can be found via the
USFWS National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines.
Where are the best places to go to see a Bald Eagle in Kentucky?
The best time to go eagle-watching in Kentucky is the winter when eagles gather in large numbers in areas with open water to fish. You're likely to spot an eagle on a boat trip or hiking trip to any large reservoir or river in December-March. Look for them perched in trees on the lake or river edge, or watch for them soaring above the water. The Land Between the Lakes Area is a winter hot spot for eagles. Kentucky State Parks, in cooperation with KDFWR and the US Army Corps of Engineers, hold Eagle Watch events at several state parks in western KY each January and February. These trips are a great way to view many eagles. More information on eagle watch weekends can be found at the Kentucky State Parks website with their
Wildlife Adventures program.
We often get requests from wildlife watchers and photographers for eagle nest locations. We do not release locations of eagle nests to the public. This is for the privacy of the birds and the landowners that support them.
I think I saw a Bald Eagle. Where can I find more information on eagle identification?
Please scroll down for more information on eagle identification (on this page).
Further information on Bald Eagle identification can be found at the following links.
Where can I find more information on Bald Eagles?
Information on life history (diet, lifespan, etc.) can be found at the
USFWS Eagle Management Program website.
Do golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) occur in Kentucky?
Though uncommon in comparison to the Bald Eagle, golden eagles do migrate through and winter in Kentucky. There are no confirmed records of golden eagles nesting in Kentucky. The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources participates in the Golden Eagle Working Group and conducted a Golden Eagle Camera Trapping Project during 2012-2017 to document this species winter distribution in KY. More information can be found below:
I found a dead eagle. What should I do?
Please leave the bird where it is, take a picture, record a precise location and call us or e-mail us at (1-800-858-1549) to report it.
Bald Eagle Identification
It takes a bald eagle 5 years to obtain its adult plumage (white head and tail, brown body).
Juvenile bald eagles have brown bodies and dark bills.
Juvenile bald eagle in a nest
Photo by: KDFWR Staff
In the first five years of life, the immature bald eagle will go through a series of brown and white mottled plumages.
Immature bald eaglePhoto by: David Roemer
Adult bald eagles exhibit distinctive white heads and tails and dark brown bodies. They have a yellow bill and yellow legs.
Adult bald eaglePhoto by: Tom Fusco
Several other species of birds can be mistaken for bald eagles. Some of the more commonly confused species are osprey, turkey vultures, black vultures and red-tailed hawks. See below for pictures of these species.
OspreySince osprey also eat fish, they are often mistaken for young bald eagles.However, they can be distinguished by their brown tails, white bodies and dark eyeline.Photo by: David Roemer
More information on bald eagle identification can be found at the following links: