Grouse portrait shot

Grouse Hunting


​​​​Grouse Hunting Zone Only
Nov. 1-7 and Nov. 10, 2025​ - Feb. 28, 2026
No Trapping

Grouse Zones Map


  • The daily limit is 4; the possession limit is 8. ​
​​Do I have to telecheck my small game?​​​
​​​​​​​​No. However, you can help Kentucky Fish and Wildlife by filling ​out the hunter cooperator surveys for small game.​​
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Hunters may only use the following to take small game during the all and winter seasons:

  • ​A rimfire gun or rimfire handgun
  • .410 gauge handgun
  • muzzle-loading or breech-loading shotguns no larger than 10-gauge Breech-loading shotguns must be plugged to hold a maximum of three shells (two in a magazine and one in a chamber)
  • Lead or non-toxic shot no larger than No. 2
  • Muzzle-loading rifles
  • Archery or crossbow equipment
  • Pellets fired from .177, .20, .22 or .25 caliber air guns
  • Falconry
  • Slingshots with manufactured hunting ammunition​
  • Dogs may be used to aid in the hunt​



The following animals are considered small game: squirrels, rabbits, northern bobwhite (quail) and grouse.

Only rabbits and squirrels may be trapped. Quail and grouse may not be trapped. Hunting bag limits apply. Trapping equipment and restrictions are the same as those listed in the furbearer section.

A trapping license is required for anyone 12 years of age and older.

Trappers must harvest squirrels and rabbits upon capture unless they possess a captive wildlife permit from Kentucky Fish and Wildlife. Seasons on WMAs and other public hunting lands not managed by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife may differ from statewide seasons. Individual area listings are available online here.



Resident and nonresident youth hunters and trappers ages 15 and younger may hunt and trap small game without a hunting or trapping license for seven consecutive days starting the Saturday after Christmas.

Hunter orange clothing must be worn by all hunters during the first weekend after Christmas, as youth hunters are also permitted to hunt deer with firearms at that time.​

Youth hunters must comply with all equipment regulations and bag limits for small game when hunting or trapping. Hunter education is not required for license-exempt hunters. Adults accompanying youth hunting and trapping week do not need a license if they are not hunting/trapping.​


The limit for this hunting method is two (2) of any small game or furbearer species per falconer per day, except during the fall and winter seasons when the limits are the same for other methods. Falconers must possess a falconry permit, which costs $75 and is valid for three years, as well as a valid Kentucky hunting license, unless license-exempt, and obey all applicable state and federal laws.


Grouse eat a variety of plant material supplemented by insects when they find them. Acorns are vital in winter because the fat gained from them increases grouse body fat and increases the breeding potential for females the following spring. However, shoots, nuts and berries are all included in the diet of adult birds throughout the year. The buds from various fruit and nut-bearing trees are also important. For the young of the year, insects are vital during the first few weeks of life.

Like all animals, grouse require water for their bodily functions, but it is not a consideration for locating a habitat to hunt them. They will drink from standing or running water when it is available, but the requirements for water can be met by morning dew or from the plant material they eat.

The shelter is probably the best habitat feature to consider when trying to locate grouse to hunt. The best shelter feature is a forest that is in secondary succession. If mast-producing trees are within or near this shelter, the chances of finding birds will be enhanced. Occasionally birds are found in trees, but they typically hide on the ground. They will create burrows into the snow in heavy snow to conserve body heat.

Grouse usually stay within a mile of where they are hatched. In springtime, males drum to attract females to them and therefore have a smaller home range. Females travel to the drumming male to breed, then travel again to find a suitable nesting site. Her brood typically disperses in fall with individual birds seeking suitable habitats. However, it is not unusual to find several birds using the same area due to prime habitat features.

Most people consider grouse to be a cyclic species. These cycles are less prevalent in Kentucky than in grouse states to the north. The trend in Kentucky and other Appalachian states has been steadily down since the early 1990s. As is true with most wildlife, a good habitat will consistently have grouse. A dedicated grouse hunter will support his or her dogs and alter the harvest with low grouse numbers during those periods.


​Grouse are small enough that they do not require field dressing. However, some people prefer to dispose of the organs in the field. To do so, split the skin below the tip of the breast bone and reach under the breast to remove all organs. The entire intestinal tract can be removed by trimming down to the tail and around the anal opening. Like most birds, a layer of fat is stored just beneath the skin. This keeps the flesh moist during cooking if the bird is plucked. However, it is up to the individual whether the bird is skinned or plucked. If you plan to cut it up prior to preparation, it will take less space in the freezer if you cut it up immediately. Grouse are cut up in much the same way as a chicken, with the breast left in one piece. To freeze the bird, place them in a plastic bag with water covering all pieces. As with other game, remove the air from the bag and place in the freezer. Birds frozen this way should be well preserved for at least 6 months.​


Ruffed Grouse with Orange Slices

Found in recipes, no source, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources.

  • 4 Grouse 
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 slices of bacon
  • 1⁄4 Cup butter, melted
  • Grated peel of one orange
  • 2 Tsp orange juice
  • 1 Tsp lemon juice 
  • Chopped parsley
  • 4 1⁄4 Inch thick orange slices, peeled and seeded

Sprinkle grouse inside and out with salt and pepper. Cover the breast of each grouse with an orange slice and a bacon slice. Fasten with string. Place grouse, breast side up, in a baking pan. Roast in a preheated 350-degree oven until tender, frequently basting with combined butter, orange juice, orange peel, and lemon juice. Remove the string and serve with an orange slice and bacon remaining on each bird. 

Recommended side dishes: baked hominy and baby Brussels sprouts.

Braised Grouse

Recommended by Mike Hearn, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources employee.

From The Readers Digest Good Health Cookbooks-Fish and Meat, 1986.

  • ​1⁄2​ cup of dry red wine or game stock
  • 1 Grouse
  • seasoned flour

Prep: Before cooking, prepare the bird by cutting it into pieces. 

Coat each segment with seasoned flour and brown (in hot fat or oil) in a pan. Remove the browned game from the pan and place the meat in a casserole dish. Rinse the pan with 1⁄2 cup of dry red wine or game stock. Add the liquid (you can use a cup of dry red wine as a substitute) to the casserole, cover tightly with a lid, and cook in the center of a preheated oven at 325 degrees for one hour or until the meat is tender.


​Bird Dog is the Most Important Asset​
A grouse hunter may spend many hours training his or her dog. Genetics plays an important role in determining the success of the dog. Due to a keen sense of smell and enhanced range, a trained dog will help a hunter find more grouse. A dog is often a necessity when trying to find a bird that has been shot.

Listen in Spring to Hunt in Fall
​One of the easiest ways to prepare for fall hunting is to listen for the drumming males in the spring. By locating where adult birds are breeding and raising the broods, the hunter will know which areas are most likely to hold grouse that fall.

Second Flushes
Birds that fly uphill will not fly as far as those that go downhill. If bird numbers justify attempting second flushes, try for the uphill birds. They will be much easier for your dog to find.

Identify Prime Habitat
​When there is a major disturbance in the forest, such as “timber harvest”, fire, or natural storm, the forest immediately begins to recover. The best grouse stage is 5-12 years after the disturbance. While hunting in the areas where this secondary succession is at its peak for grouse production, watch for other areas in your hunting range where the peak will be reached in the next few years. This way, you will be prepared for future hot spots.

Be in Good Physical Shape
The best Kentucky grouse habitat is in the hilly, forested regions of Eastern Kentucky. Hunting in this region will require climbing up and down hillsides. Several miles of hiking may be needed to locate birds during a grouse hunt, so make sure you are physically fit. Depending on your age, this often requires regular exercise during the “off” season.​

​Hunt all “Hollers”
​Given drainage may have several “hollers” leading to the central valley. Hunt each one intently. The area where you found birds last year may be vacant on the next hunt. Be prepared to hunt the entire area and thoroughly search with your dog.

Leave Birds for Brood Stock
​Always be conscious of bird numbers, and do not over-harvest a given area. Hunting a different area each time out is beneficial to preserving bird numbers. A Hunter's judgment is especially important to maintaining bird numbers during the latter part of the season after natural mortality has already reduced the population. While harvesting a bird or two is fine, this may be the time when hunting for dog training and the flush become equally crucial to shooting.

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