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Fisheries Research Bulletins
Fisheries Research Bulletins
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The Fisheries Research Section of Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife regularly publishes Fish Research Bulletins on a wide variety of topics. These bulletins are usually associated with special research projects designed to answer crucial questions regarding management and conservation of fishes in Kentucky. Here you will find a complete list of Fish Research Bulletins, including Bulletin #1, written in 1941 by Minor E. Clark. The bulletins contain research on a wide variety of topics from fish population management to surveys of public attitudes on fishing.
Bulletin 124: Evaluation of Stocking Original and Reciprocal Cross Hybrid Striped Bass in Three Kentucky Impoundments - Dane Balsman
Bulletin 123: Assessment of statewide size and creel limits on smallmouth bass in Old Pool 6 of Green River - Jason R. Herrala and David Baker
Bulletin 122: Use of Flathead Catfish to Reduce Stunted Fish Populations in a Small Kentucky Impoundment - Dane Balsman
Bulletin 121: 2015 Kentucky Angler Attitude Survey - Don Bunnell and David P. Dreves
Bulletin 120: Investigation of the Walleye Population in the Rockcastle River and Evaluation of Supplemental Stocking of Native Strain Walleye - David P. Dreves
Bulletin 119: Preliminary Assessment of Bluegill and Redear Sunfish Populations in Small Impoundments - David P. Dreves
Bulletin 118: Assessment of a Newly Established Blue Catfish Population at Taylorsville Lake - David Baker
Bulletin 117: Evaluation of Sauger Stockings in the Green, Barren and Salt Rivers - David Baker
Bulletin 116: Movement of Reintroduced Lake Sturgeon in Lake Cumberland - Jason Herrala
Bulletin 115: Evaluation of a Supplemental Stocking Program to Improve the Largemouth Bass Fishery in the Markland and Meldahl Pools of the Ohio River - Jason Herrala
Bulletin 114: 2013 Trout Angler Survey - David P. Dreves
Bulletin 113: Evaluation of White Bass Stocking to Enhance Existing Reservoir Populations - David P. Dreves
Bulletin 112: Evaluation of Restrictive Regulations on Rainbow Trout and the Performance of Two Strains in the Lake Cumberland Tailwater - David P. Dreves
Bulletin 111: Brown Trout Population Response to Trophy Regulations and Reservoir Discharge in a Large, Southeastern U.S. Tailwater - David P. Dreves, Jeff R. Ross, and Jarrad Kosa
Bulletin 110: Evaluation of a Sauger Stocking Program on the Kentucky River - Jason Herrala
Bulletin 109: Survey of Peabody WMA Angler Opinions, Attitudes, and Users - Rob Rold and Jeremy Shiflet
Bulletin 108: 2013 Statewide Catfish Anglers Attitude Survey - Jason Herrala
Bulletin 107: Spawning Habitat Manipulations on Largemouth Bass Production in Meldahl Pool of the Ohio River - Jason Herrala
Bulletin 106: Kentucky Angler Attitude Survey - David P. Dreves
Bulletin 105: Evaluation of a Supplemental Black Crappie Stocking Program at Laurel River Lake, Kentucky - Marcy Anderson and John Williams
Bulletin 104: A Survey of the Trout Anglers in Kentucky: Opinions, Attitudes, and Uses - David P. Dreves
Bulletin 103: A Survey of the Private Farm Pond Owners in Kentucky: Opinions, Attitudes, and Uses -Don Bunnell, Kerry Prather, and Dave Dreves
Bulletin 102: Evaluation of Rainbow and Brown Trout Stockings in the Lake Cumberland Tailwater
Bulletin 101: Muskellunge Streams Investigation at Fox, Triplett, and North Fork Triplett Creeks
Bulletin 100: Muskellunge Streams Investigation in Little Sandy River and Salt Lick Creek
Bulletin 099: Habitat Selection and Movement of Walleye in Paintsville Lake, Kentucky
Bulletin 098: Walleye Movement, Distribution, and Habitat Use in Laurel River Lake, Kentucky
Bulletin 097: Evaluation of a Smallmouth Bass Stocking Program at Cave Run and Cannon Creek Lakes
Bulletin 096: Evaluation of a Differential Black Bass Size Limit Regulation on Largemouth and Spotted Bass at Cave Run Lake
Bulletin 095: Ohio River Sport Fishery Investigations
Bulletin 094: Evaluation of Brown Trout Introductions in Three Southeastern Kentucky Streams
Bulletin 093: Evaluation of a 20-Inch Minimum Length Limit on Largemouth Bass at Smokey Valley Lake
Bulletin 092: Inventory and Classification of Streams in the Lower Cumberland River and Tennessee River Drainages
Bulletin 091: Evalaution of a 15-Inch Size Limit on Largemouth Bass at Taylorsville Lake
Bulletin 090: Evaluation of a 15-Inch Minimum Size Limit on Black Bass at Grayson Lake
Bulletin 089: Evaluation of a 12-16 Inch Slot Limit on Largemouth Bass at Elmer Davis Lake
Bulletin 088: Evaluation of Walleye Introduction in Lake Cumberland
Bulletin 087: Muskellunge Fishery Investigation in the Licking River
Bulletin 086: Evaluation of Brook Trout Introductions into a Headwater Stream in Eastern Kentucky
Bulletin 085: Evaluation of Muskellunge Introduction in Green River Lake
Bulletin 084: Impacts of Channel Modification and Habitat Mitigation on the Fisheries of Poor Fork Cumberland River, Caney Creek, and Right Fork Beaver Creek
Bulletin 083: Evaluation of Striped Bass Introductions in Lake Cumberland
Bulletin 082: Evaluation of Hybrid Striped Bass Introductions in Herrington Lake
Bulletin 081: Habitat Preference of Black Bass Species in Lakes in Kentucky
Bulletin 080: Assessment of the Sport Fishery at Meldahl Pool and Tailwater of the Ohio River
Bulletin 079: Smallmouth Bass Stocking Evaluation at Herrington Lake
Bulletin 078: Muskellunge Streams Investigation in the Middle Fork and North Fork Kentucky River Drainages and Upper Licking River
Bulletin 077: Muskellunge Streams Investigation in Red River, Station Camp Creek, and Sturgeon Creek
Bulletin 076: Assessment of the Sport Fishery at Markland Pool and Tailwater of the Ohio River
Bulletin 075: Evaluation of Redbreast Sunfish Stockings in Kentucky Streams
Bulletin 074: Fall Water-Level Fluctuations and its Effects on the Sport Fishery in a Flood Control Reservoir
Bulletin 073: Applications of Largemouth Bass Remedial Stockings in Small Impoundments in Kentucky
Bulletin 072: Evaluation of the 12-inch Size Limit on Black Bass in Kentucky
Bulletin 071: Muskellunge Streams Investigations in the South Fork Kentucky River Drainage
Bulletin 070: Environmental Attitude Survey on Wildlife in Kentucky 1982
Bulletin 069: Kentucky Fisherman Attitude Surveys 1982
Bulletin 068: Muskellunge Streams Investigations at Kinniconick and Tygarts Creek
Bulletin 067: The Inventory and Classification of Streams in the Salt River Drainage
Bulletin 066: Changes in the Fishery of a Flood Control Reservoir during Five Years of Fertilization
Bulletin 065: Inventory and Classification of Streams in the Rough River and Nolin River Drainages
Bulletin 064: A Study of Native Muskellunge Populations in Eastern Kentucky Streams
Bulletin 063: An Evaluation of Striped Bass Introductions in Herrington Lake
Bulletin 062: Population Dynamics and Catch Susceptibility of Smallmouth Buffalo in Rough River Reservoir
Bulletin 061: The Pond Spawning and Fingerling Production of Muskellunge at Minor Clark Hatchery, Kentucky
Bulletin 060: Evaluation of the Two Story Trout Fishery in Lake Cumberland
Bulletin 059-III: Part III of III Reservoir Discharge Investigation at Barren River and Nolin River Reservoirs
Bulletin 059-II: Part II of III Reservoir Discharge Investigation at Barren River and Nolin River Reservoirs
Bulletin 059-I: Part I of III Reservoir Discharge Investigation at Barren River and Nolin River Reservoirs
Bulletin 058: Inventory and Classification of Streams in the Little Sandy River, Tygarts Creek, and Kinniconick Creek Drainages
Bulletin 057: Inventory and Classification of Streams in the Big Sandy River Drainage
Bulletin 056: Inventory and the Classification of Streams in the Kentucky River Drainage
Bulletin 055: Some Effects of Municipal Sewage Pollution upon the Biota and Water Quality of Elkhorn Creek
Bulletin 054: Checklist and Distribution of Kentucky Aquatic Gastropods
Bulletin 053: Inventory and Classification of Streams in the Licking River Drainage
Bulletin 052: Inventory and Classification of Streams in the Upper Cumberland River Drainage
Bulletin 051: A Pre and Post Impoundment Survey of Middle Fork of the Kentucky River
Bulletin 050: Pre and Post Impoundment Surveys on Barren River
Bulletin 049: Temperature Control of Reservoir Releases into Nolin and Barren Tailwaters
Bulletin 048: Pre and Post Impoundment Surveys on Nolin River
Bulletin 047: The Dewey Lake Fishery During the First Seven Years of Impoundment
Bulletin 046: The Buckhorn Reservoir Fishery During the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Years of Impoundment
Bulletin 045: Changes in the Bass Populations of Elkhorn Creek Following the Establishment of a Size Limit
Bulletin 044: Growth of Three Centrarchids in Lake Cumberland, Kentucky
Bulletin 035-043: A Guide to 18 of Kentucky's State-Owned Lakes
Bulletin 034: Some Physical, Chemical, and Biological Characteristics of Washburn Lake
Bulletin 033: Some Physical, Chemical, and Biological Characteristics of Elmer Davis Lake
Bulletin 032: Some Physical, Chemical, and Biological Characteristics of Greenbo Lake
Bulletin 031: Some Physical, Chemical, and Biological Characteristics of Shanty Hollow Lake
Bulletin 030: Some Physical, Chemical, and Biological Characteristics of Carpenter Lake
Bulletin 029: Some Physical, Chemical, and Biological Characteristics of Bullock Pen Lake
Bulletin 028: Lake Cumberland Investigations
Bulletin 027B: Effects of Coal-Washer Wastes on Biological Productivity in Martin's Fork of Upper Cumberland River
Bulletin 027A: Effects of Oilfield Brines on Biological Productivity of the Green River in Kentucky
Bulletin 026: A Summary of Kentucky Commercial Fisheries
Bulletin 025: Effectiveness of Various Rotenone-Containing Preparations in Eradicating Fam Pond Fish Populations
Bulletin 024: Pre-Impoundment Surveys of Six Kentucky Streams
Bulletin 023: Final Report on the Success of Rates and Ratios in Kentucky Farm Ponds
Bulletin 021: A Brief Study of the Levisa Fork and Russell Fork of the Big Sandy River
Bulletin 020: Results of an Opening Week Creel Census and Tagging Study on Three State-Owned Lakes
Bulletin 019: Investigations and Management of the Dewey Lake Fishery
Bulletin 018: Selective Poisoning of Gizzard Shad with Rotenone
Bulletin 017: Growth Rates of the White Crappie in the Tennessee River
Bulletin 016: A Survey of the Success of Various Stocking Rates and Ratios of Bass and Bluegill in Kentucky Farm Ponds
Bulletin 015: The Harvest and Movement of Game Fishes in Kentucky Lake and its Tailwaters
Bulletin 014: The Status of Gigging and Snagging in Kentucky
Bulletin 013: The Age and Growth of Gizzard Shad in Herrington Lake, Kentucky
Bulletin 012: Growth Rates of the White Crappie in Kentucky Lake
Bulletin 011: A Preliminary Report on the Total Population Manipulation of a Water-Water Stream
Bulletin 010: Summary of Dingell-Johnson Projects
Bulletin 008: The Age and Growth of the White Bass of Herrington Lake, Kentucky
Bulletin 007: A Preliminary Report on Commercial Fishing in Kentucky
Bulletin 006: The Growth Rates of Some Kentucky Fishes
Bulletin 005: Farm Fish Ponds Problems and Answers
Bulletin 004: Bottom Preferences of Fishes of Northeastern Kentucky Streams
Bulletin 003: Biological Survey of the Little Sandy and Upper Licking River Watersheds
Bulletin 002: Biological Survey of the Big Sandy, Tygart, and Kinniconick Drainage Areas
Bulletin 001: A List of the Fishes in Northeastern Kentucky
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