
2024 Public Dove Fields

2024 Kentucky Dove Fields Page In Progress

The 2024 Kentucky Dove Fields locations and information are subject to change, as are the fields, depending on the weather. Please continue to check this page before heading out into the field.​​​​

2024 Public Dove Fields (WMAs and Cooperative Fields)​


Mentor/Youth Hunt​ Mentor/Youth Hunt

Indicates a Mentor/Y​outh Hunt site where all or part of the area is reserved for Hunting participants on Sept. 1. Reservations are required for these hunts. Apply online​ from 8 a​.m. Au​g. 5 to 4:30 p.m. (Eastern) Aug. 16 for the 2024 season. Hunters are randomly selected regardless of when they applied. All Mentor/Youth Hunt fields are open to the general public on Sept. 2.

Quota Hunt OnlyQuota Hunt Site

Indicates a quota hunt site, reserved for drawn hunters on Sept. 1 and Sept. 7. Quote Hunt sites are open to the general public on Sept. 8. Apply online Aug. 5-16. Open to all hunters beginning Sept. 8.​

Non-toxic Shot OnlyNon-toxic Shot Only

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)-approved, non-toxic shot only for all fields.

Non-toxic Shot Only Parking

Indicates GPS Corrdinates for Parking. 


Mixed Crops  Mixed Crops

Indicates a field with a mixture of planted crops.​

Mostly Sunflowers  Mostly SunflowersMostly Sunflowers

Indicates a field planted primarily with Sunflowers.​

Grains/Grasses​ ​ Mostly Grains/Grasses

Indicates a field planted primarily with millet, winter wheat, buckwheat, milo or other similar appearing grain or grass species.​

CornMostly Corn

Indicates a field planted primarily with corn.

 A young hunter seated in a dove field with a mentor

Public Reminder

All public dove fields will be closed to all access annually from August 15 until sunrise on September 1. When hunting in a public area, hunt safely and be courteous of others. Do not leave trash behind. The future of the cooperative dove field program depends on you.

Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) are open during regular seasons under statewide regulations unless otherwise specified in this guide. Field conditions may vary considerably, even on the same WMA. Kentucky Fish and Wildlife recommends hunters scout the fields listed below to ensure they are ready for the time you plan to hunt. No access is allowed in the dove fields from August 15 until sunrise on September 1. All scouting must be done from the road or parking lot.

Private fields in the Cooperative Dove Field Program are open for public dove hunting Sept. 1-2, and  Sept. 7 - Oct. 26, 2024. Private cooperative fields are closed to public access except on the dates listed above. Before the season, hunters may drive by private cooperative fields but not leave their vehicles to scout.

Dove Quota Hunts: There will be two quota dove hunting opportunities in 2024-25. There will be a field at Big Rivers WMA and a field at Kentucky River WMA. Quota Hunt fields are closed, except to drawn hunters, September 1-7, 2024. These fields will open for public dove hunting beginning Sept. 8, 2024. Special Rules for quota hunts include:

  • Drawn hunters may bring one guest hunter.
  • Drawn hunters and guests must check in prior to hunting.
  • No hunting before 1 p.m. (Eastern)
  • Carry a copy of the selection letter (notification). This applies to both drawn and guest hunters.
  • Drawn hunters must be present for guests to hunt.
  • Hunters must have exited the field by 6 p.m. (Eastern).
  • Check out by completing the post-hunt survey.
  • Must not possess more than 50 shells.  ​

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Purchase-white.png Purchase Region​


Mixed CropsNon-toxic Shot OnlyBallard Wildlife Management Area (WMA)​: 5 Fields - approx. 58 Acres
Special Note: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)-approved, non-toxic shot only for all fields.​

Directions: Travel U.S. 60 west from Paducah about 16 miles then right onto KY 310. Travel about 6 miles to stop sign and cross KY 358, continuing on KY 310 to stop sign at KY 1105. Cross KY 1105 onto Mitchell Lake Rd. (Turner Landing Rd.) then travel about 1 mile. Go through the gate at Oscar. Signs will be posted for all of the fields. 

 parking  (Parking GPS: 37.15242123, -89.03935527).

  • Field 1: Sunflower field on the right. 
  • Field 2: Milo field on your left. After entering the gate, turn left 0.2 miles on the right.
  • Field 3: Sunflower field next to t​he grain bins. 
  • Field 4: Travel past Field 1, crossing Mitchell Lake levee to crossroads, turn left, Field 4 is wheat/oat fields on both sides of the road or turn right.
  • Field 5: Is an Oat Field .5 miles on the right.

  Non-toxic Shot OnlyBoatwright (WMA): 2 Fields - 24 acres
Special Note: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)-approved, non-toxic shot only for all fields. Fields were planted late and will not have mature seeds until late Dove Season.

Directions: US 60 west from Paducah to Barlow. At the blinking light in Barlow turn right onto​ N 4th St. Go one block (.1 miles) and turn left on Holloway Landing Road. Stay on it 2.8 miles and turn right on Sallie Crice Rd. In 1.6 miles turn left at Olmsted unit sign and follow for .1 miles, sunflower field on the left. Signs will be posted for all fields. 

parking (Parking GPS: 37.10563352, -89.1022681599999 or 37.08710573, -89.10699601).


Grains   GrainsDoug Travis WMA: 1 Field - 10​ Acres
Special Note: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)-approved, non-toxic shot only for all fields.

Directions: From Bardwell, take KY 123 west to Berkley, then turn right on Fish Lake Road for 5.3 miles. Turn right onto gravel WMA road for 0.3 miles and field is on the right.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 36.83103299, -89.1236323199999).


Big Rivers WMA: Crittenden Field - 20 Acres 

Directions: From Sturgis, KY take highway 365 south 2.7 miles. Take the first WMA entrance on the right. Veer right and continue for a quarter mile. Field entrance and parking will be on the right.

parking (Parking GPS: 37.54502427, -88.0339763599999 or 37.5339364, -88.0063111399999).

CornCooperator Field (Fishtrap RD Field): 1 Field - 102 Acres-
Special Note: Field will be open Sept. 1-2, and Sept. 7-30.

Directions:  From Marion, KY, head NE on HWY 60 for approximately 6 miles, then turn right onto HWY 65​4. Travel 1 mile, then turn left onto Fishtrap Road. The parking area is ½ mile down Fishtrap Rd. on the right​.

parkingparkingparking (Parking GPS: 37°23'31.1"N 88°00'24.6"W)


 Grains Livingston County WMA: 6 Tracts - 25 Acres

Directions: From Salem, take KY 133 north (Lola Rd.) for 13.8 miles. Turn left onto Hughes Rd. Parking area will be​ approx. 0.5 miles through the yellow gate and on the right. From Smithland, KY take U.S. 60 east for 3.3 miles and turn left onto Ky 137 towards Birdsville/Bayou. Continue 15.3 miles and at the stop sign turn right onto KY 133 south (Lola Rd.) In approx. 1.3 miles turn right onto Hughes Rd. and parking area will be 0.5 mile ahead through yellow gate on right.

parking (Parking GPS: 37.36056885, -88.44068952).


Mixed Crops West Kentucky WMA: 3 Tracks (4 Fields) - 50 Acres
Special Note: Check-in is required before hunting at the 'A' tract on Tract 7.

Tract 41 fields totalling 16 acres of sunflowers. 

Directions: From I-24 ​exit 4 in Paducah, take U.S. 60 west for 10.5 miles to Bethel Church Rd. Take Bethel Church Road north for 3.4 miles and turn east (right) onto gravel WMA road. The field is immediately on your right.

Tract 4: 2 fields totalling 6 acres of millet.​ 

Directions: From I-24 exit 4 in Paducah, take US 60 WEST for 10.5 miles to Bethel Church Road, turn NORTH (right) onto Bethel Church Road. Take Bethel Church Road NORTH for 3.4 miles and turn EAST (right) onto gravel WMA road. Fields will be on the north side of the WMA road behind the Disabled Access Pond.

parking (Parking GPS: 37.14197774, -88.8008686999999 or 37.14010752, -88.80577676).

Tract 5: twenty-three acres of sunflowers in two fields. 

Directions: From I-24 exit 4 in Paducah, take U.S. 60 west for 7.1 miles to KY 996 (Metropolis Lake Rd.). Turn right (north) onto Metropolis Lake Rd. for 3.2 miles to KY 358 (Ogden Landing Rd.), turn left (west) onto KY 358 for 2.3 miles to Boldry School Rd. Field 1: Turn north (right) onto Boldry School Rd for 0.8 miles to first gravel WMA road. Turn west (left) onto gravel WMA road and 12 acre field will be on the north (right) side of the gravel road. Field 2: Turn north (right) onto Boldry School Rd for 0.9 miles and take a 45-degree right onto gravel WMA road, 11 acres of sunflowers are on either side of this road behind Metzger Pond.

parking (Parking GPS: 37.11791537, -88.8428385999999 or 37.12222593, -88.7915604399999).

Tract 7A: five acres of millet in the field behind the Tracts 7A check-in box on the north side of KY 358 (Ogden Landing R​d.)

Directions: From I-24 exit 4 in Paducah, take U.S. 60 west for 7.1 miles to KY 996 (Metropolis Lake Rd.). Turn NORTH (right) o​nto Metropolis Lake Rd. for 3.2 miles to KY 358 (Ogden Landing Rd.), turn WEST  (left) onto KY 358 for 1.2 miles to field on the NORTH (right) side of KY 358. Check-in is required before hunting at the 'A' tract check-in box.

parking (Parking GPS: 37.11687418, -88.83232094 or 37.11592183, -88.83405958).


Quota Hunt OnMostly Sunflowers Big Rivers WMA: Union Field - 25 Acres 
Special Note: Quota hunt only Sept. 1 and Sept. 7. Opens for all hunters beginning Sept. 8. Read more about the Dove Quota Hunt.

Directions: From Sturgis, Kentucky at the intersection of U.S. HWY 60 and KY 109, travel north on KY 109 for 1.65 miles, turn left (west) onto KY 1508 and proceed 1mile to the first Union County WMA entrance on left.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.54502427, -88.0339763599999 or 37.5339364, -88.0063111399999).

Purchase-white.png Green River REGION​


Mostly Sunflowers Barren River Lake WMA: 5 Fields - 25 Acres

Directions: From U.S. 31 E, turn north on KY 1318 towards Lucas, turn left on S. Lucas Rd. Travel 1.6 miles to the Goose Island Unit entrance on the right, down gravel road, signs posted. All five fields are adjacent to each other. ​

parking (Parking GPS: 36.88065965, -86.0673517).


Mixed CropsNon-toxic Shot Only Yellowbank WMA: 2 Tracks - 26 Acres
Special Notes: USFWS-approved, non-toxic shot only on Tract 4.

Directions: 20 miles north of Hardinsburg on KY 259; 20 miles west of Brandenburg on KY 144 to KY 259.

parking ​​(Parking GPS: 38.02731992, -86.50967808 or 37.96530666, -86.50745061).

Tract 1: Field 13 Acres.

Tract 4: Field 11 Acres.​​


Mixed CropsNon-toxic Shot OnlySloughs WMA: 2 Fields - 55 Acres
Special Notes: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)-approved, non-toxic shot only for all fields.​

Field 1 - Duncan: 25 Acres.
Directions: From the Sloughs WMA office, travel east on Hwy 268 for approximately 1.4 miles and turn left onto a gravel road (signs will be posted). Field is located 1 mile down gravel road on the left. Parking available along gravel road. 

parking (Parking GPS: 37.86346784, -87.754452 or 37.86675256, -87.7472039).

Field 2 - South Shop: Approx. 10 Acres.
Directions: From Uniontown, take Mt Vernon Road 2.1 miles North to the gravel road leading to Highland Creek Unit (Signs will be posted). Turn right and travel 0.5 miles and field will be on the right. Parking available along gravel road.
parking(Parking GPS: 37.85489825, -87.78223031).


Mostly Sunflowers Peabody WMA: (Sinclair Unit) 3 Fields - 14 Acres (Ken Unit) 3 Fields (33 Acres)
Special Note: User permit required for Peabody WMA access, call (270) 476-1889 for more information.

Directions: (Sinclair Unit) Located on the north and south side of the PM Haul Road just west of KY 176. (Ken Unit) Located on the west side of HWY 369 just south of K1 Road Junction.

parking (Parking GPS: 37.24867089, -87.03142081)

  • Sinclair Unit - Field 1: 4 acres.
  • Sinclair Unit - Field 2: 7 acre.
  • Sinclair Unit - Field 3: 3 acres.
  • Ken Unit - Field 1: 9 acres.
  • Ken Unit - Field 2: 11 acres.
  • Ken Unit - Field 3: 13 acres.


Mentor/Youth Hunt Mostly Sunflowers Higginson-Henry WMA: 2 Fields - 27.7 Acres -
Special Notes: Field 1 is a Mentor/Youth Field. Closed Sept. 1; Mentor/Youth quota hunt only Sept. 1 (Apply online Aug. 5-16. Fifteen Slots are Available). Opens for public hunting beginning Sept. 2.
parking (Parking GPS: 37.64312668, -87.8741255599999 or 37.63067001, -87.8141872)

Field 1: 10 Acres. From the intersection of KY 56 and 141, go north on KY 141 for 0.25 miles, turn right and watch for signs. 

Field 2: 30 acres. From the intersection of KY 56 and 141, go west on KY 56 for 2.7 miles, field is on the left.​

Quota Hunt OnMostly Sunflowers Big Rivers WMA: Union Field - 25 Acres 
Special Note: Quota hunt only Sept. 1 and Sept. 7. Opens for all hunters beginning Sept. 8. Read more about the Dove Quota Hunt.

Directions: From Sturgis, Kentucky at the intersection of U.S. HWY 60 and KY 109, travel north on KY 109 for 1.65 miles, turn left (west) onto KY 1508 and proceed 1mile to the first Union County WMA entrance on left.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.54502427, -88.0339763599999 or 37.5339364, -88.0063111399999).

Purchase-white.png Bluegrass Region​


Mixed CropsT.N. Sullivan WMA: ​2 Fields - 6 Acres

Directions: ​From Frankfort, take U.S. 127 north for 4.1 miles to the right onto Steele Branch Rd. and proceed to the “T” (Owens​on Rd). Turn left and travel 0.4 miles to the right onto KY 1262 (Sullivan Lane) for 0.75. mile to WMA. Follow signs to the field. 

parkingparking (Parking GPS: ​​ 38.28036547, -84.83072027).


Mixed CropsCurtis Gates Lloyd WMA: 6 Fields - 25 Acres

Directions: Take the Crittenden exit from I-75. Follow U.S. 25 south to KY 491. Turn left across railroad tracks and take an immediate right onto Wildlife Rd.​

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.76546676, -84.60413898 or 38.7630779, -84.5977432199999).


Mixed Crops Griffith Woods WMA: 3 Fields - approx. 40 Acres

Directions: From I-75, take Georgetown exit 126 and travel east on U.S. 62 toward Cynthiana. Field is on the left 0.5 mile past KY 353 (Russell Cave Rd.) located approximately 15 miles east of Georgetown and 25 miles northeast of Lexington.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.33550299, -84.35750195 or 38.33203445, -84.35741452).​


Quota Hunt OnlyMixed CropsNon-toxic Shot OnlyKentucky River WMA: 3 Fields - approx. 18 Acres
Special Notes: Welch Tract is Quota hunt only Sept. 1 and Sept. 7. Opens for all hunters beginning Sept 8. USFWS-approved, non-toxic shot only. Read more about the Dove Quota Hunt.

Directions: ​​10. U.S. 421 to KY 561, 1 mile west of Gest (near Lock 3).
parkingparking ​ Parking GPS: 38.43783835, -84.9519248999999 or 38.43784218, -84.9519255799999)


Mentor/Youth HuntMixed CropsMullins WMA: 3 Fields - approx. 10 Acres
Special Notes: Fields are closed at the start of the season as a Mentor/Youth Field. Closed Sept. 1; Mentor/Youth quota hunt only Sept. 1 (Apply online Aug. 5-16. Fifteen Slots are Available). Opens for public hunting beginning Sept. 2.

Directions: ​​From I-75, take exit 166 (Crittenden, KY). Head west on Violet Rd and travel 0.8 miles. Turn right onto North 2363 and travel 0.3 miles. Turn left onto Courtney Rd and travel 1 mile. Entrance will be on the Right.
parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.81357717, -84.60799731).


Mixed Crops Miller Welch-Central Kentucky WMA: 12 Fields - Approx. 30 Acres

Directions: 9 miles southeast of Richmond. From U.S. 421 at Kingston, take a left (east) onto KY 3376 (Dreyfus Rd.) for about 2 miles. Turn right (south) onto Muddy Creek Rd. (just past WMA office) to dove fields on right.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: ​37.62518868, -84.2031943599999 or 37.62000528, -84.20864473).​

Mostly Sunflowers Cooperator Field (Boonesboro Road): 1 Field - 40 Acres

Directions: From I-75, take exit 95 and travel east 1.7 miles on HWY 627 towards Winchester. The field entrance will be on the right.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.85280043, -84.2974220899999).​


Mostly Sunflowers Cooperator Field (Hawkins Lane): 1 Field - 12 Acres

Directions: From exit 59A off Bluegrass Parkway (towards Harrodsburg/ Danville), travel south on U.S. 127 for 2 miles, turn right onto Wheat School Rd. and travel 1.4 miles to a right turn onto Bondville Rd. for approximately 2 miles, turn right onto Hawkins Lane and follow signs to field on the right.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.94107824, -84.9157225999999).​

Mostly Sunflowers Cooperator Field (Crews Street): 1 Field - 22 Acres

Directions: From exit 59A off Bluegrass Parkway (towards Harrodsburg/ Danville), travel south on U.S. 127 for 3.8 miles and turn right onto Kirkwood Rd. and travel 0.25 mile and turn right onto Bondville Rd., turn right onto Crews Street, field will be on the right.

parkingparkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.92090244, -84.87107736).


Mixed CropsRolling Fork WMA: 3 Field - 22 Acres

Directons: From Hodgenville Take US-31E for 4.5 miles to KY-84E. Continue on KY 84 for 8.5 miles, WMA parking lot will be on your right.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.53439754, -85.55933627).​


Mixed CropsNon-toxic Shot OnlyKentucky River WMA: 3 Tracts - 4 Fields - 16 Acres
Special Notes: USFWS-approved, non-toxic shot only.

Gilbert Tract: 2 Fields - Approx. 9 Acres.

Directions: From U.S. 127 take KY 355. Travel 5.5 miles and turn onto Browns Bottom Rd. Travel 2.4 miles to WMA and follow signs to parking.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.4090505, -84.89510309 or 38.4090725, -84.8950950699999 or 38.40905286, -84.89510509).

Chesney Tract: 1 Field - Approx. 3 Acres.

Directons:​ From U.S. 127 take KY 355. Travel 2.6 miles to parking area on the left. 

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.44573002, -84.9020450299999).

Roberts Tract​: 1 Field - 5 Acres.

Directons:​ From US Hwy 127 take Hwy 355 and turn onto Old Landing Rd. Travel approx. 1 mile to WMA parking area on the left. Follow signs for parking.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.43643831, -84.91680284).


Mixed CropsCooperator Field (Harley Thompson Road): 1 Field - Approx. 40 Acres

Directions: U.S. 60 to KY 395, Travel north about 3 miles, take a left onto KY 1005 for 2 miles, then left onto Harley-Thompson Rd. for 0.25 miles to field on the right.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.24135981, -85.0946236399999).


Mixed CropsTaylorsville Lake WMA: 2 Fields - 12 Acres

Directions: From Taylorsville, travel east on KY 248 about 2.1 miles, turning right onto KY 2239 (Overlook Rd.). Field will be on the right and parking at first and second gravel parking lot.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.01765401, -85.2978853399999 or 38.02378534, -85.30255662).

Purchase-white.png NORTHEASTERN Region​​


GrainsClay WMA: Justice Tract - 5 Fields - 11 Acres

Directions: From I-64 at exit 110, take KY 11 north for 17.8 miles to a left onto Little Flat-Ledford Rd. Travel 0.7 mile to parking area on right.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.28011315, -83.81652105 or 38.40233754, -83.8824338099999).​

Mostly Sunflowers Cooperator Field (Wyoming Road): 1 Field - Approx 40 Acres

Directions: From Owingsville, take KY 111 north 6.5 miles. Field is on right off Old Wyoming Rd.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.21519551, -83.70797837 or 38.21528866, -83.70812374).​


GrainsGrayson Lake WMA: Rosedale Fields - 3 Fields - Approx. 10 Acres Grains
Special Notes: USFWS-approved, non-toxic shot only.

Directions: From KY 60 in the town of Grayson, follow KY 7 south towards Grayson Lake for 8 miles and turn left onto WMA access road (Rosedale Road). 

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.23613076, -82.9946710699999).​


Mixed CropsMixed CropsClay WMA: Marietta Booth Tract - 4 Fields - 20 Acres

Directions: From Carlisle, take KY 32 east for about 12 miles then right at WMA sign. Go 0.3 mile to WMA parking area on left.
parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.28011315, -83.81652105 or 38.40233754, -83.8824338099999).


Mixed CropsSouth Shore WMA: 4 Fields - Approx 10 Acres
Special Notes: USFWS-approved, non-toxic shot only.

Directions: From US 23 in South Shore, turn onto the WMA access road (towards the Ohio River) at the South Shore WMA sign and follow for 0.4 miles to the parking lot. Field is adjacent to parking area.
parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38.73419756, -82.93587678)


Grains Cooperator Field (HWY 173): 1 Field - Approx 8 Acres

Directions: From Elliotville, go south on HWY 32 for 1.3 miles and turn right on HWY 173. Travel 2.2 miles and turn left onto farm lane and travel .4 miles to the field. Field will be open Sept. 1-2, and Sept. 7 – Oct. 26.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 38°08'33.0"N 83°15'46.0"W​ ).​

Purchase-white.png SOUTHEASTERN Region


GrainsGreen River Lake WMA (Snake Creek): 2 Fields - 12 Acres

Directions: From Columbia, head north on HWY 55 for 1.6 miles, turn right onto HWY 551. Stay on HWY 551 for 4.3 miles and turn right onto Snake Creek Road, travel 2.2 miles to field on the left.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.18026756, -85.23143912)

GrainsR.F. Tarter WMA: 2 Fields - 8 Acres

Directions: From Columbia, take HWY 206, 11 miles turn right on KY-76 go 1.8 miles and turn left on Winfrey Hill rd go 2.5 miles and turn right on Damron Creek rd travel 1.2 miles to parking lot on right.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.16435806, -85.0711200399999)


Mentor/Youth Hunt​  Mentor/Youth HuntMixed CropsCooperator Field (Roy Bagby Road): 1 Field - 27 Acres
Special Note: Field is closed at the start of the season as an Mentor/Youth Field. Closed Sept. 1; Mentor/Youth quota hunt only Sept. 1 (Apply online Aug. 5-16. Fifteen Slots are Available). Opens for public hunting beginning Sept. 2.

Directions: Take U.S. 68/70 south from Greensburg 5.9 miles; turn right onto KY 218 for 2 miles, then left onto Roy Bagby Rd. Fields at the end of road on right.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.17137456, -85.5670249799999)

Mixed CropsCooperator Field (KY 566 Field): 1 Field - 27 Acres

Directions: From Greensburg, take KY 61 north for 8.1 miles, turn left onto KY 569 for 5.3 miles, turn right on to KY 566 for 2.5 miles to designated parking areas. Fields are on the right (east) side of KY 566.​

parkingparkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.38300157, -85.64917837 or 37.3812921, -85.65309766)

Corn Cooperator Field (R.L. Gentry RD Field): 1 Field - 25 Acres

Directions: From Greensburg, take KY-61 north 0.9 miles. Turn left onto KY-88 for 7.8 miles. Tum left onto Pierce-Donansburg Rd for 2.7 miles. Tum left onto R.L. Gentry Rd. to dove fields on both sides of R.L. Gentry Rd.

parkingparkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.20598120, -85.60274262)


Mixed CropsCooperator Field (Kentucky Court): 1 Field - Approx. 22 Acres

Directons: From Stanford, take U.S. 27 north for 0.16 mile to a left onto KY 590. Travel 1.5 miles to a gravel lane on the left. Turn left and proceed to the marked parking area.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.55974358, -84.6615421799999)


Mixed CropsBeaver Creek WMA: 1 Field - 9 Acres

Directions: From Whitley City take US 27 North for about 12 miles turn right on Bauer Rd, take Bauer Road for 2.3 miles and turn right onto Bowman Ridge Rd for 0.6 miles to gate on right. 

From Somerset take US-27 South for about 11 miles and turn left on Bauer Rd, take Bauer Road for 2.3 miles and turn right onto Bowman Ridge Rd for 0.6 miles to gate on right.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 36.9055964, -84.4512145199999)


GrainsLake Cumberland WMA: 1 Field - 8 Acres

Directions: From the HWY-80 and HWY 27 Intersection, Take 27 north for 2.6 miles and turn left on KY-1674, take that for 2.5 miles and turn left to stay on Ky-1674, stay on 1674 for 1.6 miles and turn left onto Beech Grove Rd for 0.5 miles then take the right onto Wesley East Rd for 1.2 miles to parking lot.

parkingparkingparkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.13957171, -84.71627103)

Mixed CropsRockcastle River WMA:  2 Fields - Approx. 19 Acres

GrainsHandicap Pond Wheat Field: 1 Field - Approx. 8 Acres

Directions: From Somerset, take KY 80 east for 13.2 miles, turn right onto Rocky Tree Rd. for 292 ft. and then turn left on KY 1675 for 4.7 miles to Acorn-Ano Rd. Turn left on Acorn-Ano Rd. and travel 3.0 miles to the marked gravel parking area.

parkingparkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.10118156, -84.3358685)

Mostly Sunflowers Red Barn Field (GPS): 1 Field

Directions: From Somerset, take KY 80 east for 13.2 miles, turn right onto Rocky Tree Road for 292 ft. and then turn left on HWY 1675 for 4.7 miles to Acorn-Ano Road. Turn left on Acorn-Ano Road and travel 3.0 miles to the marked gravel parking area.

parkingparkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.11432865, -84.3379475299999)


GrainsR.F. Tarter WMA: 2 Fields

Directions: From Russell Springs take HWY 127 North 3.7 miles, turn left onto Damron Creek Road for 3.9 miles to parking lot on the left.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.16268366, -85.0695353499999)


GrainsGreen River Lake WMA (Elkhorn):  1 Field - 16 Acres

Directions: From Campbellsville, take KY 70 east for 4.1 miles. Gravel parking lot will be on the left through gate to top of the hill.

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.3254921, -85.2831017799999)

GrainsGrainsGreen River Lake WMA (Robinson Creek): 1 Field - 6 Acres

Directions: From Campbellsville, take KY 70 east for 5.3 miles. Gravel parking lot will be on the right, go through gate to field.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

parkingparking (Parking GPS: 37.33040601, -85.2720070799999)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
