Flock of Doves in a Field Banner image

Migratory Bird Hunting

Migratory Bird Program

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The information listed here is for Dove, Wood Duck, Teal, Woodcock, Snipe and Crow. Before hunting migratory birds, hunters must go fill out the Harvest Information Program (HIP) survey before they are legal migratory bird hunters. See below for detailed information.​

Dove Quota Hunts 2024​

This fall, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources will host four dove quota hunts and three traditional mentor/youth dove quota hunts. The application period is 8 a.m. (ET) Aug. 5, 2024, to 4:30 p.m.(ET) Aug. 16, 2024. 

Four dove quota hunts are being held at Big Rivers Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in Crittenden County and on the Welch Tract of Kentucky River WMA in Henry County. A hunt will be held at each location on Sept. 1 and again on Sept. 7. Three mentor/youth dove quota hunts will all be held on Sept. 1, with one each at Higginson-Henry WMA in Union County, Mullins WMA in Kenton County and at a private land cooperator field in Green County. 

Click the "Apply Here" button below to apply to the Dove Quota Hunts. Click the "Mentor Info" Button to learn more about the Dove Mentor Hunt program.

​Migratory Birds Season Dates

​ ​
MIGRATORY BIRDS (WEBLESS)​​​​​ Season Dates​ ​Daily Limit​​
​​Po​​ssession Limit
Sept. 1 - Oct. 26, Nov. 27 - Dec. 7, 2025 and Dec. 20, 2025 - Jan. 11, 2026
15 (including white-winged dove)
Virginia & Sora Rail Sept. 1 - Nov. 9, 2025
25 singly or combined​
American Woodcock Oct. 25 - Nov. 7 and
Nov. 10 - Dec. 10, 2025
Wilson's Snipe
Sept. 17 - Oct. 26, 2025 and
Nov. 27, 2025 - Feb. 1, 2026
8 24
Common & Purple Gallinule Sept. 1 - Nov. 9, 2025
3 singly or combined 9
Sept. 1 - Nov. 7, 2025 and
Jan. 4 - Feb. 28, 206;
one-half hour before sunrise until sunset
none none
Wood Duck & Teal
(Includes blue-winged, green-winged and cinnamon teal)
Sept. 20 - 24, 2025
6 birds with no more
than 2 wood ducks

18 birds with no more
than 6 wood ducks

September Canada Goose Sept. 16 - 30, 2025 (Eastern Region); Sept. 1 - 15, 2025 (Western Region) 5 15
Youth / Military Waterfowl Days Nov. 22, 2025 and
Feb. 14, 2026 (Youth)
Nov. 23, 2025 and
Feb. 15, 2026 (Military)

Same as the duck and goose seasons​​​ ​
​Sandhill Crane Dec. 7, 2025 - Jan. 31, 2026
1 or 2*

*Note: The daily bag limit for Sandhill Cranes is 2 cranes for permit holders with 2 or more tags or 1 crane for permit holders with one tag. Sandhill Crane permits are available only through quota hunt drawings in September at the Quota Hunts ​page.​

Dove, private land
Sept. 1 only: 11 a.m. to sunset. The remainder of dove season: one-half hour before sunrise to sunset
Dove, public land (WMAs, leased fields) Sept. 1 - Oct. 26: 11 a.m. to sunset. Second and third segments of dove season:
one-half hour before sunrise to sunset
Sandhill crane Sunrise to sunset
All other species One-half hour before sunrise to sunset

Need Help with Licenses or Permits?​

Hunters without Internet access or who have further questions may contact the Information Center for assistance at 1-800-858-1549 or Info.Center@ky.gov​. ​

Which License or Permit Do You Need?

Migratory Birds (dove, snipe, woodcock, moorhens, rails, gallinules and SANDHILL CRANE)
Ages 12-15 Youth Hunting License*
Ages 16-64 Annual** or 1-Day Hunting License + Kentucky Migratory Bird/Waterfowl Permit **
Ages 65 and older OR Disabled Senior/Disabled License
Waterfowl (ducks, geese, coots and mergansers)
Ages 12-15 Youth Hunting License *
Ages 16-64 Annual** or 1-Day Hunting License + Kentucky Migratory Bird/Waterfowl Permit ** + Federal Duck Stamp
Ages 65 and older OR Disabled Senior/Disabled License + Federal Duck Stamp
NONRESIDENTS (must buy nonresident licenses/permits)
Migratory Birds (dove, snipe, woodcock, moorhens, rails, gallinules, and SANDHILL CRANE)
Ages 12-15 Youth Hunting License
Ages 16 and older Annual, 1-Day or 7-Day Hunting License + Kentucky Migratory Bird/Waterfowl Permit
Waterfowl (ducks, geese, coots and mergansers)
Ages 12-15 Youth Hunting License
Ages 16 and older Annual, 1-Day or 7-Day Hunting License + Kentucky Migratory Bird/Waterfowl Permit + Federal Duck Stamp

* Included in Youth Sportsman's License
** Included in Resident Sportsman's License

Non-Toxic Shot

Possession or use of any lead shot while hunting or attempting to take waterfowl or Sandhill cranes is prohibited statewide.Non-toxic shot is required for hunting waterfowl. Most major manufacturers offer non-toxic shotshells. A list of non-toxic shot currently approved by the USFWS is described in "Nontoxic Shot Regulations For Hunting Waterfowl and Coots in the U.S" from April 19, 2022.

Only USFWS-approved non-toxic shot may be possessed and used to hunt doves, gallinules, rails, woodcock, snipe or other migratory birds on the following WMA’s: Ballard, Boatwright, Doug Travis, Duck Island, Kaler Bottoms, Sloughs, Kentucky River, Ohio River Islands, South Shore, Yatesville Lake, and other areas as posted by signs.

Baited Fields

Hunting doves or waterfowl over a “baited” field is illegal. Baited fields are areas where grain, salt or other attractants have been placed other than those that occur by legitimate agricultural practices. Mature wildlife food plots grown to attract doves are legal hunting areas as long as no additional attractants have been placed in these areas.​

Wanton Waste

All migratory game birds shall be retrieved, if possible, and retained in the custody of the hunter in the field.

​Shotgun Requirements

All shotguns used to hunt any game species in Kentucky (except deer) must be plugged to hold three shells total; one in the chamber and two in the magazine. Shotguns of 10 gauge or smaller are permitted.

Field Dressing​

When field dressing or otherwise preparing for transportation, any of the species on this page, except doves, one fully feathered wing, or the head, must be left on each bird for identification.


No person shall give, put or leave any migratory game birds at any place or in the custody of another unless the birds are tagged by the hunter with the following:​

  1. The hunter’s signature and address;
  2. The total number of birds involved, by sp ecies;
  3. The dates such birds were taken.

Tagging is required if birds are being transported by another person for the hunter, or if birds have been left for cleaning, storage (including temporary storage), shipment or taxidermy services.

 A young hunter seated in a dove field with a mentor

Mentor/Youth Hunting​

Kentucky will offer three mentor-youth dove hunting fields during the 2024 season in Union, Kenton, and Green counties. Fields set aside for Mentor/Youth hunts are only open Sept. 1 to pre-registered hunters. On this day, adult dove hunters can introduce a young hunter to the challenge and tradition of the early season dove hunt. Hunts require pre-registration (see rules below for details). Thereafter, unreserved slots will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Mentor/Youth dove fields in wildlife management areas reopen to the public on Sept. 2. 

Click the "Apply Here" button to apply for a Mentor/Youth Quota Hunt opportunity and click the "Check Results" button to see if you were selected.



2024 Mentor/Youth Hunt Rules

  1. ​​Open only to one experienced mentor hunter accompanied by a youth (ages 15 and younger). Up to two mentees per group can accompany a mentor hunter. However, only a maximum of two shotguns is allowed per hunting group.  
  2. There is no limit to the shells you can bring into a field. 
  3. Both mentor and youth can hunt but must do so from the same field location (stake). All hunters must stay within 15 feet of their assigned shooting location. One adult may take two youths to these hunts. Two shotguns are allowed per stake. Each hunter is allowed 15 doves.
  4. The number of hunters in Mentor/ Youth Hunt fields will be strictly limited to ensure a safe and quality hunt.
  5. Field slots in 2024 will be available only by advanced registration from 8 a.m. (Eastern) Aug. 5, until 4:30 p.m. (Eastern), Aug. 16. Unreserved slots will be available on a first-come, first-served basis at the field on the day of the hunt until all slots are filled.
  6. Hunting groups must check in prior to hunting and check out prior to leaving the field with Kentucky Fish and Wildlife staff.
  7. After the field is filled, no new hunting groups will be allowed in.
  8. Hunting groups in the field may move to different staked sites when the assigned group vacates that site.
  9. When retrieving downed birds, hunters must leave their guns at their shooting location (stake).
  10. Shooting hours are limited to 2 - 7 p.m., local time. All hunting groups must leave the field by 7:30 p.m., local time.
  11. All hunters will be responsible for cleaning up their shooting location (including empty shells) prior to leaving the field.
  12. Mentors and youth must conduct themselves in a safe manner and abide by these and other rules posted at the hunt field. Failure to do so will result in the termination of hunting privilege for that field that day.
  13. Hunter education and licensing requirements apply.​​​

Other Season Notes

Eurasian Collared Dove 


Eurasian collared doves resemble mourning doves but possess a black slash across the back of their necks (See Left Illustration). Mourning doves also typically have pointed tails and black spots on their back (See Right Illustration). There is no limit on Eurasian doves (leave head and/or wing on during transport for ID). However, hunters should stop after reaching the 15-bird daily limit of mourning doves because the two species cannot be easily distinguished on the wing.


Mechanical devices and electronic attracting devices for crow hunting may only be used during the open season. Federal law no longer allows for the shooting fo depredating crows outside the legal hunting seasons without specific federal authorization. Persons experiencing depredation problems with crows may apply online by via the Migratory Bird – Depredation Permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, email PermitsR4MB@fws.gov, or call (404) 679-7070 for more information. 


USFWS-approved non-toxic shot no larger than size T is required for all waterfowl hunting. Hunters may not possess or use lead shot while hunting or attempting to take waterfowl.



September Canada Goose hunting now includes two zones (Eastern and Western) with separate season dates.

The following areas are closed during the 2024 season:

  1. Cave Run Lake: Cave Run Lake and the public land inside the boundary of KY 801, KY 1274, KY 36, KY 211, U.S. 60 and KY 826 remain closed during the September Canada Goose season. The other areas of the Northeast Goose Zone are now open to hunting during the September Canada Goose season.
  2. Ballard Zone: ​Private lands in this zone are open to this season. Public lands remain closed. 
  3. West Kentucky WMA: This wildlife management area is closed during the September Canada Goose season.

Areas manipulated for dove hunting ARE NOT legal for waterfowl hunting.


​Seasons are statewide. Youths must be under the age of 16 on the day of the hunt (Nov. 23, 2024 and Feb. 8, 2025). Military seasons are for military on active duty and honorably discharged veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces only (Nov. 24, 2024 and Feb. 9, 2025). Per federal rule, National Guard members and reservists are only eligible if they are on active duty. Participants must have a proper license and permit, including a federal duck stamp.​​


Sunflower Field

2024 Public Dove Fields
(WMAs and Cooperative Fields)


​New for the 2024 Season

Information about the Kentucky 2024 Public Dove Fields can be found on a new page. To access this page, click either the "Dove Fields" Tile at the top of the webpage or the "Public Dove Fields" button below.

Please Note: Dove field locations are subject to change depending on weather conditions and other factors. Before going out into the field, always check for potential closures.

​ Dove Fields


Mentor/Youth HuntMentor/Youth Hunt

Indicates a Mentor/Y​outh Hunt site where all or part of the area is reserved for Hunting participants on Sept. 1. Reservations are required for these hunts. Apply online​ from 8 a​.m. Au​g. 5 to 4:30 p.m. (Eastern) Aug. 16 for the 2024 season. Hunters are randomly selected regardless of when they applied. All Mentor/Youth Hunt fields are open to the general public on Sept. 2. ​

Quota Hunt OnlyQuota Hunt Site

Indicates a quota hunt site, reserved for drawn hunters on Sept. 1 and Sept. 7. Quote Hunt sites are open to the general public on Sept. 8. Apply online Aug. 5-16. Open to all hunters beginning Sept. 8.
 A young hunter seated in a dove field with a mentor


All public dove fields will be closed to all access annually from August 15 until sunrise on September 1. When hunting in a public area, hunt safely and be courteous of others. Do not leave trash behind. The future of the cooperative dove field program depends on you.

Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) are open during regular seasons under statewide regulations unless otherwise specified in this guide. Field conditions may vary considerably, even on the same WMA. Kentucky Fish and Wildlife recommends hunters scout the fields listed below to ensure they are ready for the time you plan to hunt. From August 15 until sunrise on September 1, there is no access allowed in the dove fields. All scouting must be done from the road or parking lot.

Private fields in the Cooperative Dove Field Program are open for public dove hunting Sept. 1-2, and  Sept. 7 - Oct. 26, 2024. Private cooperative fields are closed to public access except on the dates listed above. Before the season, hunters may drive by private cooperative fields but not leave their vehicles to scout.

Dove Quota Hunts: There will be two quota dove hunting opportunities in 2024-25. There will be a field at Big Rivers WMA and a field at Kentucky River WMA. Quota Hunt fields are closed, except to drawn hunters, September 1-7, 2024. These fields will open for public dove hunting beginning Sept. 8, 2024. Special Rules for quota hunts include:

  • Drawn hunters may bring one guest hunter.
  • Drawn hunters and guests must check in prior to hunting.
  • No hunting before 1 p.m. (Eastern)
  • Carry a copy of the selection letter (notification). This applies to both drawn and guest hunters.
  • Drawn hunters must be present for guests to hunt.
  • Hunters must have exited the field by 6 p.m. (Eastern).
  • Check out by completing the post hunt survey.
  • Must not possess more than 50 shells.  

Closed Areas


  1. The main block of Robinson Forest WMA
  2. The portion of Grayson Lake WMA within three-quarters of a mile of the dam, the Deer Creek Branch, the shores of Camp Webb and the state park
  3. the Greenbrier Creek Branch of Yatesville Lake​, including all islands, north of the mouth of Greenbrier Creek Branch.
  4. ​Land Between The Lakes NRA is open from September 30 - November 30 annually.


All designated goose refuge lakes within the Western Kentucky coalfields region are closed to all waterfowl hunting.


The following areas are waterfowl refuges: 

  • Portions of ​Lake Cumberland WMA including Wesley Bend (bounded by Fishing Creek, Fishing Creek Road and Beech Grove Road) and Yellowhole (bounded by Fishing Creek Road and Hickory Nut Road) are closed to the public annually from Oct. 15 - March 15.
  • Ohio River Waterfowl Refuge (From Smithland Lock and Dam upstream to powerline crossing at river mile 911.5) is closed to hunting annually from Oct. 15 - March 15 and Stewart Island is closed to the public annually from Oct. 15 - March 15.
  • On Peabody WMA, portions of Sinclair and Homestead mines marked by signs are closed to the public annually from October 15 - March 15.
  • On Sloughs WMA, the Sauerheber Unit is closed to the public annually from Nov. 1 - March 15 except for the Crenshaw and Duncan tracts which are open for waterfowl hunting only.
  • The area of Yellowbank WMA posted by signs is closed to the public annually from Oct. 15 - March 15.​

Special WMA Restrictions

Wildlife Management Areas not listed here or in the “Closed Areas” section are open under statewide regulations.


Dove: Sept. 1 - Oct. 13, 2024

Snipe: Sept. 21 - Oct. 13, 2024

Rails, Moorhen, Gallinules: Sept. 1 - Oct. 13, 2024

​No woodcock hunting is permitted. Areas designated by signs are closed to all hunting.

Dove: Sept. 1 - Oct. 13, 2024

Snipe: Sept. 18 - Oct. 13, 2024

No woodcock hunting is permitted.

Breech- and muzzle-loading shotguns may be used to take wood ducks and teal on the shoreline portions of the Pioneer Weapons Areas at 1) Cave Run Lake, and 2) all waterfowl at Barren River Lake.

WEST KENTUCKY WMA (McCracken County)

Dove, snipe and woodcock: Open under statewide seasons, except closed during gun deer seasons.

​(WMA closed to September Canada goose season.)

Other Hunting Areas

The following areas have special seasons and regulations for all hunting. Contact the individual areas at the addresses and telephone numbers listed below.

​6645 101st Airborne Division Road
Ft. Campbell, KY 42223
(270) 798-9824 ​ https://ftcampbell.isportsman.net​​

Hunt Control Office
​4916 Wilson Road, Building 9297
Fort Knox, KY 40121
(502) 624-7311 or (502) 624-2712 https://ftknox.isportsman.net

100 Van Morgan Drive
Golden Pond, KY 42211
(270) 924-2000 www.landbetweenthelakes.us

3982 Waverly Road
Williamstown, WV 26187
(304) 375-2923, ext. 117 ​www.fws.gov/refuge/ohio-river-islands

4343 Hwy. 157
Union City, TN 38261
(731) 538-2481 http://reelfoot.fws.gov
