Canada geese flying

Waterfowl Hunting

Waterfowl Progr​am

The Waterfowl Program is part of the Migratory Bird Program here at the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. The waterfowl program manages waterfowl harvest based on scientific data as part of the Mississippi Flyway Council (hereafter Flyway). The Flyway is a cooperative agreement between the 14 states and 3 provinces along the Mississippi River with federal oversight by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Canadian Wildlife Service. Flyways were created based on migratory pathways of the ducks we hunt. Seasons and bag limits in Kentucky are set based on frameworks provided by the Mississippi Flyway and by the preferences of Kentucky Sportsman and Sportswomen.

NEW for 2024-25 Season

The Kentucky Migratory Bird Hunting Guide, commonly called the Dove Guide, and the Kentucky Waterfowl Hunting Guide have been combined into one guide. Please refer to the table of contents for season dates, license information, public land hunting, and other information.


​​Season Dates
Daily Limit ​
​Possession Limit
Teal & ​Wood Duck Sept. 20 - 24, 2025
6; may include no more than 2 wood ducks 18; may include no more than 6 wood ducks
September Canada Goose, Western Zone
Sept. 1 - 15, 2025 (Western)
5 15
September Canada Goose, Eastern Zone
Sept. 16 - 30, 2025 (Eastern)
5 15

Nov. 27 - 30, 2025;
Dec. 7, 2025 - Jan. 31, 2026

6; may include no more than 4 mallards (only 2 of which may be hens), 3 wood ducks,
2 redheads, 1 pintail, 2 black ducks and 2 canvasback. 1 scaup Nov. 28 - Dec. 1, and Dec. 7-17; and 2 scaup Dec. 18 - Jan. 31.
Triple the
daily bag limit
Coot 15 45
Merganser 5; only 2 may be hooded Triple the
daily bag limit
Canada/Cackling Goose,
White-Fronted Goose & Brant
Nov. 27, 2025 - Feb. 15, 2026
5 combined; 3 Canada geese,
2 white fronted geese and 1 brant
Triple the
daily bag limit
Snow Goose (including Ross' Goose) 20 None
Light Goose Conservation Order Feb. 16 - March 31, 2026† None None
Youth-Only Waterfowl
Nov. 22, 2025 and
Feb. 14, 2025
​​Same as regular seasons.
Scaup limit is 2 scaup daily.
​Military/Veteran-only Waterfowl Nov. 23, 2025
and Feb. 15, 2025
Falconry (ducks, coots & mergansers)
Nov. 28, 2024 - Feb. 23, 2025*
Falconry (geese) ​Same as regular season​*
Sandhill Crane Dec. 7, 2025 - Jan. 31, 2026
1  or 2**

*Pit and blind restrictions in effect for some wildlife management areas (WMAs) do not apply to hunters during Snow Goose Conservation Order season. These restrictions also do not apply to falconers hunting waterfowl during periods when gun and archery waterfowl seasons are not open.

**The daily bag limit to sandhill cranes is 2 cranes per permit holders with 2 or more tags, or 1 crane for hunters with one tag. Sandhill Crane permits are available only through quota hunt drawing in September. Sandhill crane hunters will be issued tags attached to hunting permits, accessible through the online sandhill crane app. Hunters must possess printed or electronic proof of a valid crane hunting permit. 

† Mandatory FREE permit is required for hunting snow geese during this period, to order, click Snow Geese Conservation Order Permit or call 1-800-858-1559 to obtain one. Everyone who obtains the Snow Goose Permit must report hunting activity to the Snow Geese Conservation Order Survey by April 10.


Daily Bag Limit: The total limit of a specific migratory game bird species that may be taken during legal shooting hours for one calendar day, regardless of state boundaries.

Possession limit: The total limit of a specific migratory game bird species that may be in your possession at any time, whether in your person or stored in another location (including your home or taxidermist).


M​igratory birds shot in another state, count toward a hunter's daily and possession limits.​​



Early Waterfowl Season​s


Regular Waterfowl Season​​s


Special Season​​s


Under Federal law, the USFWS allows states to have 2 days of “youth only” hunting season in addition to the standard 60 days allowed in the​ Mississippi Flyway. These days occur outside of regular seasons but must occur within 14 days of a state’s regular season. Youth participants must have proper Kentucky licenses but a Federal Duck Stamp and HIP are not required.

Kentucky has a split youth season with one (1) day occurring on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and one (1) day occurring on the second Saturday in February.

To participate in the season, a youth shall not have reached their 16th birthday on the day of the hunt. Adults may accompany youth hunters but may not harvest ducks and geese on the first weekend. Adults may harvest geese but not ducks during the second weekend.


Under Federal law, the USFWS allows states to have 2 days of “veterans only” hunting season in addition to the standard 60 days allowed in the Mississippi Flyway. These days occur outside of regular seasons but must occur within 14 days of a state’s regular season. Participants must have proper licenses, HIP and the Federal Duck stamp to participate.

Kentucky has a split veteran’s season with one (1) day occurring on the Sunday before Thanksgiving and one (1) day occurring on the second Sunday in February.

To participate in the season, a veteran shall meet the specification outlined below. Non-veterans may accompany veteran hunters but may not harvest ducks and geese on the first weekend. Non-veterans may harvest geese but not ducks during the second weekend.


Overabundant populations of light geese (including snow and Ross’ geese) have been damaging sensitive Arctic breeding grounds. Because of this, the USFWS authorized a special “Light Goose Conservation Order Season.” This special season occurs after all regular hunting seasons have closed. A few rules apply to this season which are different from most migratory bird seasons.

  •   Bag Limit – No daily bag limit or possession limit exists during this special season.

  •   “Unplugged guns” – Shotguns may hold as many shells as the hunter desires.

  •   Electronic Callers – Hunters may use recordings of geese and machines to playback these recordings.

  •   Half Hour After Sunset – Hunters may hunt light geese until ½ hour after sunset.

Please note that baiting laws and wanton waste laws still apply to these special seasons.


Starting at the northwest city limits of Wickliffe in Ballard County to the middle of the Mississippi River, then north along the Mississippi to the low water mark of the Ohio River along the Illinois shore to the Ballard-McCracken County line; then along the county line south to KY 358, then south along KY 358 to its junction with U.S. 60 at LaCenter; then following U.S. 60 southwest to the northeast city limits of Wickliffe.

All constructed or used blinds (including boats) must be at least 100 yards apart and at least 50 yards from any property line. A waterfowl hunter shall not possess more than one shotgun while in the blind.

Federal Regulations

In addition to the state regulations, the following federal laws apply to the taking, possession, shipping, transporting and storing of migratory game birds.

Note: The material below is only a summary. Each hunter should also consult the federal regulations, which may be found in Title 50, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20 - Migratory Bird Hunting.


More restrictive regulations may apply to National Wildlife Refuges open to public hunting. For more information on Federal Regulations, consult Assistant Regional Director - LE, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 4839, Atlanta, Georgia, 30302-4839; or call (404) 331-5872.

No person shall take migratory game birds:

  • With a trap, snare, net, rifle, pistol, swivel gun, shotgun larger than a 10 gauge, punt gun​,  battery gun, machine gun, fishhook, poison, drug, explosive or stupefying substance;
  • With a shotgun capable of holding more than three shotshells, unless it is plugged with a one-piece filler which is incapable of removal without disassembling the gun;
  • From a sink box (a low floating device, having a depression affording the hunter a means of concealment beneath the surface of the water);
  • From or with the aid or use of a car or other motor-driven land conveyance, or any aircraft, except that paraplegics and single or double amputees of the legs may take from any stationary motor vehicle or stationary motor-driven land conveyance. “Paraplegic” means an individual afflicted with paralysis of the lower half of the body with involvement of both legs, usually due to disease of or injury to the spinal cord;
  • From or by means of any motor boat or sail boat unless the motor has been completely shut off and/or the sail furled, and its progress therefrom has ceased;
  • By the use or aid of live decoys. All live, tame or captive ducks and geese shall be removed for a period of 10 consecutive days prior to hunting, and confined within an enclosure which substantially reduces the audibility of their calls and totally conceals such tame birds from the sight of migratory waterfowl;
  • Using records or tapes of migratory bird calls, or sounds, or electrically amplified imitations of bird calls (except electronic calls may be used during the Snow Goose Conservation Order);
  • By driving, rallying or stirring birds with any motor-driven land, water or air conveyance or any sail boat to put them in the range of the hunters; or
  • By the aid of baiting (placing feed such as corn, wheat, salt or other feed to constitute a lure or enticement), or on or over any baited area. Hunters should be aware that a baited area is considered to be baited for 10 days after the removal of the bait.
  • Areas manipulated for dove hunting are not legal for waterfowl hunting.
  • Over areas where farmers feed livestock or areas where grain is stored, such as grain bins and elevators.

Defined Terms


No person shall completely field dress any migratory game bird (except doves and pigeons) and then transport the birds from the field. The head or one fully feathered wing must remain attached to all such birds while being transported from the field to one’s home or to a migratory bird preservation facility.


​No person shall take migratory game birds during the closed season.


No person shall take migratory game birds except during the hours open to shooting as prescribed.


No person shall take in any one day more than one daily bag limit.


No person shall possess more than one daily bag limit while in the field or while returning from the field to one’s car, hunting camp, home, etc.


All migratory game birds shall be retrieved, if possible, and retained in the custody of the hunter in the field.


Wounded birds reduced to possession shall be immediately killed and included in the daily bag limit.


Violating state migratory game bird regulations is also a violation of federal regulations.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


No person shall ship migratory game birds unless the package is marked on the outside with:  a) the name and the address of the person sending the birds; b) the name and the address of the person to whom the birds are being sent; and the number of birds, by species, contained in the package.


No person shall put or leave any migratory game birds at any place or in the custody of another person unless the birds are tagged by the hunter with the following information: a) the hunter’s signature; b) the hunter’s address; c) the total number of birds involved, by species; d) the dates such birds were killed.

Tagging is required if the birds are being transported by another person for the hunter or if the birds have been left for cleaning, storage (including temporary storage), shipment or taxidermy services.​


For information regarding the importation of migratory birds killed in another country, hunters should consult 50 CFR 20.61 through 20.66. One fully feathered wing must remain attached to all migratory game birds being transported between the port of entry and one’s home or to a migratory bird preservation facility. No person shall import migratory game birds ​​​killed in any foreign country, except Canada, unless such birds are dressed (except as required in 20.63), drawn, and the head and feet are removed. No person shall import migratory game birds belonging to another person.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​