
Waterfowl Public Land Hunts

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Not all lands managed by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) are open to statewide seasons and bag-limits for waterfowl hunting.  This section will list any special season dates, limits and requirements that​ are ​in effect for the following areas. If specific season dates are given for an area, then that is the only time waterfowl hunting is permitted. Otherwise, hunting is open under statewide season dates and regulations in that waterfowl zone. This section also lists any areas that are closed to hunting or public access. Areas owned or managed by the KDFWR that are not listed below are open to statewide seasons and limits, based on the zone in which they are located.

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BALLARD WMA -​​​ Ballard County

Ballard WMA is exclusively open for waterfowl hunting, Wednesdays-Sundays, beginning during the second segment of duck season. Ballard WMA is closed to all access on Mondays, Tuesdays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. Please check out the Waterfowl Quota Hunts page for more information.

BARREN RIVER LAKE WMA - Allen & Barren Counties​

BARREN RIVER LAKE WMA - Waterfowl opportunities include walk-in or boat-in hunting on the lake or river, season long hunting blind sites drawn in October (see Blind Drawings and Blind Restrictions for more guidance.), or walk-in hunting on moist-soil units on the WMA. Special regulations apply to certain sections of this area.

  • Hunters may use breech or muzzleloading shotguns for waterfowl hunting along the Barren River Lake shoreline bordering the primitive weapons area known as the “Peninsula Unit.”
  • A person shall not hunt sandhill cranes within 100 yards of the normal summer pool level of 552 feet in the following embayments: Beaver Creek, Skaggs Creek and Peters Creek.

BIG RIVERS WMA - Crittenden County

BIG RIVERS WMA - Walk-in hunting is available on this area. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. Hunters may not enter the area until 4 a.m.

BOATWRIGHT WMA - Ballard County

BOATWRIGHT WMA - Is open for waterfowl hunting, Wednesdays - Sundays, during the regular waterfowl season. Boatwright WMA is closed to waterfowl hunting on Mondays, Tuesdays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day​, and New Year's Day. Please check out the Waterfowl Quota Hunts page for more information.​

When Hunting Boatwright:

Please download the Boatwright WMA Waterfowl Hunting Fact Sheet and Rules​ for more information about hunting at the Boatwright WMA for the 2024-25 hunting season.​

CAVE RUN LAKE AREA - Bath, Menifee, Morgan, & Rowan Counties​​​

​Cave Run Lake - Open to waterfowl hunting, except that no goose hunting is permitted on public lands or waters within the block of land lying inside the boundaries of Hwy. 801, Hwy. 1274, Hwy. 36, Hwy. 211, Hwy. 60 and Hwy. 826.

CEDAR CREEK LAKE WMA - Lincoln County​

CEDAR CREEK LAKE WMA - Waterfowl hunting opportunities include walk-in and boat-in hunting along the shoreline or on the lake. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. Hunters may not enter the area until 4 a.m.

DIX RIVER WMA - Lincoln County

DIX RIVER WMA - Walk-in hunting is available on this area. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. Hunters may not enter the area until 4 a.m.

DOUG TRAVIS WMA - Carlisle & Hickman Counties

Doug Travis WMA is open to statewide regulations for hunting EXCEPT the portions of the WMA as identified by signs, which are CLOSED to the public from Nov. 1 to March 15. Please check out the Waterfowl Quota Hunts page for more information.

GRAYSON LAKE WMA - Carter & Elliott counties

GRAYSON LAKE WMA - Waterfowl hunting opportunities include walk-in or boat-in hunting from the shoreline or from the lake. The following portions of the lake are closed to all waterfowl hunting:

  • You cannot hunt waterfowl within three-quarters of a mile of the dam
  • Within the no-wake zone of the dam site marina
  • Along the shores of Camp Webb
  • In the Deer Creek Fork of Grayson Lake
  • All other portions are open to statewide seasons and limits.

GREEN RIVER LAKE WMA - Taylor & Adair counties

GREEN RIVER LAKE WMA - Waterfowl opportunities include walk-in or boat-in hunting on the lake or river, season long hunting blind sites drawn the last Saturday in September (see Blind Drawings and Blind Restrictions for more information). Walk-in hunting is allowed on the portions of the WMA with permanent KDFWR blind sites; however, a walk-in hunter cannot hunt within 200 yards of an occupied blind. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. Hunters may not enter the area until 4 a.m.

A person shall not hunt Sandhill cranes within 100 yards of the normal summer pool level of 675 feet, east of the Hwy 551 Bridge in the following embayments:

  • Green river to the Snake Creek Boat Ramp
  • Casey Creek to the HWY 76 bridge

J.C. WILLIAMS WMA - Nelson County​

J.C. WILLIAMS WMA - Walk-in hunting is available on this area. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. Hunters may not enter the area until 4 a.m.​


KALER BOTTOMS WMA - Walk-in hunting is available on this area. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. Hunters may not enter the area until 4 a.m.

KENTUCKY RIVER WMA - Henry & Owen counties

KENTUCKY RIVER WMA - Walk-in hunting is available on this area. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. Hunters may not enter the area until 4 a.m.

LAKE BARKLEY WMA - Livingston, Lyon and Trigg Counties

LAKE BARKLEY WMA - At Lake Barkley WMA, waterfowl opportunities include walk-in or boat-in hunting on the lake and season-long hunting blind sites drawn in September (see Blind Drawings and Blind Restrictions page). No person shall hunt within 200 yards of another hunting party. Lake Barkley has two waterfowl refuge areas that are closed to hunting. Each refuge has specific rules for boating and other access. Refuge areas closed to all hunting, fishing, boating and molesting of all species listed are:

  1. Within an area west of the main river channel between river mile 51 (Hayes Landing Light) and the TVA power transmission lines at river mile 55.5, closed Nov. 1 - Feb. 15; and
  2. the area west of a line from the north point of the mouth of Fulton Bay to the south point of the mouth of Honker Bay, closed Nov. 1 - Mar. 15.

Boating is allowed, but hunting is prohibited within 200 yards of the area surrounded by a levee and located between river miles 68.4 and 70.4 from Oct. 15 to March 15.

Permanent blinds must remain within 10 yards of the assigned numbered 9. Goose season is Jan. 15 - Feb. 15, 2025. blind marker within the two areas described as follows:

  1. Beginning at the mouth of Donaldson Creek and proceeding south along the east side of the old Cumberland River channel as marked by buoys, to a point due west of the boat ramp at Linton, then east to the Linton boat ramp, then north along the east shore of Lake Barkley to the mouth of Donaldson Creek;
  2. Beginning at Pryor's Creek Light extending south along the western shore of Barkley Lake to the boat ramp at the end of Land Between The Lakes Road 204, then to the west side of the Cumberland River channel, marked with buoys, to river mile 73.5, then north along the west side of the Cumberland River channel, marked with buoys, to Pryor Creek Light.

All other blinds within this described area shall be temporary. See also BLIND RESTRICTIONS.


The western shoreline of Lake Barkley is a part of Land Between the Lakes. To hunt there, you must be carrying your LBL permit, and you must follow all LBL rules and regulations.


LAKE CUMBERLAND WMA - Lake Cumberland WMA waterfowl hunting opportunities include walk-in or boat-in hunting from the shoreline or from the lake. The following portions of the lake are closed to the public from October 15 - March 15:

  • Wesley Bend: the area bounded to the north, west and south by Fishing Creek and to the east by Beech Grove Road and Fishing Creek Road.
  • Yellowhole: the area bounded to the west by Fishing Creek Road and the south by Hickory Nut Road.

LAND BETWEEN THE LAKES - Trigg & Lyon Counties​

Land Between the Lakes (LBL) - is a United States National Recreation Area and is managed by the United States Forest Service. To hunt LBL, you must purchase a LBL permit in addition to the applicable hunting licenses and permits. This includes hunti​​ng on land, as well as hunting from a boat on flooded portions of LBL when the lake level is above 359. Waterfowl hunting opportunities at LBL include walk-in or boat-in hunting from the shoreline, or on any inland water bodies that are open to waterfowl hunting. Permanent blinds are prohibited on inland areas of LBL, and along the Kentucky Lake shoreline. All decoys, equipment and temporary hunting blinds must be removed at the end of each hunting day. LBL inland areas are also closed to waterfowl hunting during quota deer hunts. The following areas are closed to waterfowl hunting, and have special regulations that apply:

  • Long Creek Pond, the eastern one third of Smith Bay and the eastern two thirds of Duncan Bay on Kentucky Lake are closed to all activity Nov. 1 - March 15, as indicated by a visible marker on the south corner.
  • The Environmental Education Center and Energy Lake are closed to all waterfowl hunting.


The western shoreline of Lake Barkley is a part of Land Between the Lakes. To hunt there, you must be carrying your LBL permit, and you must follow all LBL rules and regulations.


MILLER WELCH-CENTRAL KENTUCKY WMA - Walk-in hunting is available on this area. Special season dates apply on Miller Welch- Central WMA. Duck, coot and merganser season is Jan. 15-31, 2025 and Goose season is Jan. 15 - Feb. 15, 2025. Certain areas marked by signs are also closed to all hunting.

OBION CREEK WMA - Carlisle, Hickman & Fulton counties

OBION CREEK WMA - Walk-in hunting is available on this area. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. Hunters may not enter the area until 4 a.m.

OHIO RIVER ISLANDS WMA - Livingston County

OHIO RIVER ISLANDS WMA - Waterfowl hunting can be found on the Ohio River Islands WMA. The following special regulations apply on this area. The portion of the Ohio River from Smithland Lock and Dam upstream to the powerline crossing at river mile 911.5 is closed to hunting.

Stewart (Birdsville) Island is closed to public access Oct. 15 - March 15, except for October muzzleloader season. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. Hunters may not enter the area until 4 a.m.

OHIO RIVER - Ballard County

OHIO RIVER - - In the vicinity of Ballard WMA from 50 yards upstream of the northern border to 50 yards downstream of from the southern border of Ballard WMA. Closed to all waterfowl hunting Oct. 15 - March 15.

PEABODY WMA - Hopkins, Muhlenberg & Ohio Counties

PEABODY WMA - Peabody WMA waterfowl hunting opportunities include walk-in or boat-in hunting from the shoreline or from the many lakes, ponds and waterways. Persons entering the area for any purpose must obtain a Peabody WMA user permit ($15). Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. each day on those portions open to hunting. Hunters may not enter the area until 4 a.m.

Peabody WMA has two waterfowl refuge areas that are closed to public access. They are as follows:

  • Sinclair Unit Refuge: That portion as bounded by Hwy. 176, S1 road and Goose Lake Rd., (including Goose Lake) and as posted by signs, is closed Oct. 15 - March 15.
  • Ken Unit Refuge: That portion as bounded by Wysox Rd., H2 road, H1 road and H6 road (including Island and South lakes) and as posted by signs, is closed Oct. 15 - March 15.

PIONEER WEAPONS WMA - B​ath & Menifee counties

PIONEER WEAPONS WMA - ​​This WMA is a place for hunters who practice traditional methods of hunting, to pursue waterfowl in Kentucky. Modern firearms are not allowed on this area. Hunters may use breech or muzzle-loading shotguns for duck hunting along the Cave Run Lake shoreline bordering the area, but hunters must use muzzle-loading shotguns or archery equipment elsewhere on the WMA. Crossbows, though allowed on the WMA, are not a legal means to take waterfowl in Kentucky.

ROBINSON FOREST WMA - Breathitt, Perry & Knott counties

ROBINSON FOREST WMA - Waterfowl hunting is allowed on the outer tracts of this WMA; however, the main block of Robinson Forest WMA is closed to all hunting.

SLOUGHS WMA - Henderson & Union Counties

Waterfowl hunting can be found on the Sauerheber, Jenny Hole, Highland Creek and Grassy Pond/Powel's Lake units of Sloughs WMA. Waterfowl hunting opportunities at Sloughs WMA include online quota hunt draws and weekly on-site drawings. There is also walk-in hunting available on large portions of the WMA. Please check out the Waterfowl Quota Hunts page for more information.

SOUTH SHORE WMA - Greenup County

SOUTH SHORE WMA - Closed to all hunting and trespassing Nov. 15, 2024 - Jan. 15, 2025, except for dove and waterfowl hunting. Open to waterfowl and dove hunting during other times of the year according to statewide regulations. Use of waterfowl blinds at South Shore WMA is on a first-come, first-served basis. 

TAYLORSVILLE LAKE WMA - Anderson, Spencer & Nelson counties

TAYLORSVILLE LAKE WMA - Waterfowl hunting opportunities include walk-in or boat-in hunting from the shoreline or from the lake. Hunters may hunt waterfowl from temporary blinds only on a first-come basis. Hunters may not set up to hunt within 200 yards from another hunter. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. Hunters may not enter area until 4 a.m.


YATESVILLE LAKE WMA - Waterfowl hunting opportunities include walk-in or boat-in hunting from the shoreline or from the lake. The Greenbriar Creek Branch, and Yatesville Lake, including all islands, north of the mouth of Greenbriar Creek Branch are closed to waterfowl hunting, except for Yatesville Lake State Park. (See the State Park hunting for more details)

YELLOWBANK WMA - Breckinridge County

YELLOWBANK WMA - is open to waterfowl hunting, according to state-wide seasons and bag limits. Areas designated by signs and markers on Tract 1 are closed to the public Oct. 15 - March 15. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. Hunters may not enter area until 4 a.m.