An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal neurologic disease that affects deer, elk and other members of the deer family. It is caused by a prion, a type of protein that attacks the brain and nervous system. There is currently no known cure for CWD. Highly contagious, the disease has spread extensively among deer and elk populations across North America over the past two decades.
02/21/2025 - Kentucky Fish and Wildlife monitoring case of chronic wasting disease detected in Indiana deer near Kentucky.
CWD Surveillance Zone
Statewide CWD Testing Options: Testing your harvest for CWD helps Kentucky Fish and Wildlife detect CWD-infected animals. This is crucial to prevent further spread of the disease to healthy populations.
If you plan to hunt outside the state of Kentucky for cervids (white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, caribou or moose) please know that state law prohibits bringing whole carcasses of a deer, elk, moose and caribou into Kentucky from other states. The brain and spinal column must be removed. Hunters can only bring back the following:
Taxidermists and processors who receive whole carcasses of white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, caribou, or moose from out of state should call 1-800-25-ALERT (1-800-252-5378) to contact their local conservation officer. For further information please review KAR 2:095 Importation of Cervid Carcasses and Parts.
Please Note: These videos were produced and published prior to Dec. 6, 2023, when the first case of CWD was detected in Kentucky. The videos still contain important information for hunters to help reduce the spread of the disease.
Hemorrhagic Disease vs. CWD
How to Cape a Deer
Take your shot against Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) for a chance to win prizes!LEARN MORE
Kentucky Fish and Wildlife is taking action to protect the state's deer and elk herds. CWD is difficult to eliminate once introduced, so swiftly managing the spread of confirmed CWD cases and continuing to keep CWD out of Kentucky is the best strategy.
Action Plan: Kentucky first created a CWD Response Plan for a CWD detection within the state or a CWD detection within proximity to Kentucky's border in 2002. The response plan is reviewed and updated periodically.
Widespread Testing: Since 2002, Kentucky Fish and Wildlife has tested more than 60,000 deer and 1,000 elk for CWD. Deer samples have come from every one of Kentucky's 120 counties. Testing data is listed in the table below.
Carcass Importation Ban: To help prevent the spread of CWD in Kentucky, state law prohibits bringing whole carcasses of deer, elk, moose, or caribou into the state. The brain and spinal column must be removed.
Public Outreach: Kentucky Fish and Wildlife hosted public forums across the state to provide the public with the latest information. In addition, the Department created several informational videos and a dedicated webpage ( to continue public education.
Adopting National Standards: The Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted best management practices for the prevention, surveillance, and management of CWD from the report prepared by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
CWD Surveillance Zone: Special regulations designed to increase the ability to detect the disease and prevent the spread of CWD are in place for counties with detected casses of CWD or within an outlined proximity to detected cases of CWD.
Deer and elk can be infected with CWD for months or years before clinical signs appear. If deer and elk survive to reach the terminal stages of infection, they will show signs of progressive weight loss, excessive salivation and urination, increased water intake and depression. Other noticed changes include decreased interactions with other animals, listlessness, lowering of the head, blank facial expression, and repetitive walking in set patterns. The brains of animals with advanced stages of CWD may have a spongy appearance to their brain when examined through a microscope. This is the result of the disease agent causing holes in the brain.
CWD is a prion disease. Prions are misfolded proteins that cause normal proteins in the brain to misfold, leading to brain damage and death. CWD is not spread through traditional pathogens like bacteria or viruses, but rather through these abnormal prions. Here are the main ways CWD spreads:
The only definitive way to diagnose CWD is by examination of a portion of the brain stem (the obex) and lymph node tissue (the retropharyngeal lymph node). There is currently no practical live-animal test for CWD.
There is no known cure or vaccine for CWD.
CWD is an always fatal disease that infects and white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, caribou and moose.
No evidence suggests that CWD can infect humans. However, the CDC recommends that people should not consume meat from an animal that has tested positive for CWD.
Hunters should follow routine safety precautions when handling, processing, and consuming meat from harvested game:
Chronic Wasting Disease Response Plan DOWNLOAD
Commissioner's Authorization of CWD Restrictions DOWNLOAD
Best Management Practices for Addressing CWD DOWNLOAD