An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Here is your one-stop shop to discover and download the latest edition of our Hunting, Trapping and Fishing Regulation Summaries Guides. Each guide provides a SUMMARY of the latest rules and regulations to help keep every hunter and angler safe and legal during the outdoor seasons.
Don't Go UnpreparedBUY a License!
Check out the latest issue of the Kentucky Fall Hunting & Trapping Guide (2024-25) - Regulations Summary.
Deer Hunting:
Increased CWD Surveillance Requirements:
Due to the detection of CWD in western Kentucky, special hunting restrictions are in place. For more information, including live updates, please consult the Chronic Wasting Disease pages.
Other Updates:
Wild Pigs:
Wild pig hunting is no longer allowed. Landowners may remove wild pigs that cause property damage per KRS 150.170, but they are encouraged to contact Kentucky Fish and Wildlife for trapping assistance to eliminate all pigs. Report wild pig sightings, damages, or releases online at Wild Pigs pages or call 1-800-858-1549.
Public Lands:
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Check out the latest issue of the Kentucky Fishing & Boating Guide (2025- 26) - Regulations Summary. Para la Guía de Española.
Kentucky Bordering States Reciprocal Fishing Agreements Updates:
Reciprocal fishing agreements between Kentucky and its bordering states have expired. Until further notice, anglers who fish on bordering waters must hold a valid fishing license and follow the regulations of the state in which they are fishing. Efforts are underway to update these reciprocal fishing agreements as soon as possible. For the latest information, please check our Reciprocal Fishing Agreements page.
Grayson Lake (Carter and Elliott Counties):
Largemouth & Smallmouth Bass: There is now a 12- to 15-inch protective slot limit. All largemouth and smallmouth bass caught between 12 and 15 inches in length must be immediately released.
Fish Species Limits:
Channel Catfish: The 12-inch minimum size limit is removed from over 100 lakes.
Shovelnose sturgeon: The possession limit for shovelnose sturgeon is now two times the daily limit for anglers using all non-traditional fishing methods.
Trotlines Regulations:
Sport fishing trotlines must be labeled on both ends with the user's customer identification number on the fishing licenses.
The possession limit for sportfish for anglers using trotlines, set lines (limb lines), or jugs is two times the daily limit for that particular species.
More Nontraditional Fishing Regulations:
Tickling and Noodling (Hand grabbing): is not allowed on lakes less than 500 acres, except for lakes less than 500 acres, except for the lakes on Ballard, Peal and Swan Lake Wildlife Management areas.
Bow Fishing and Spear Fishing: There is a daily aggregate limit of 5 catfish. the 5-fish daily catfish limit also applies to Barren River Lake, Carr Creek Lake, Dewey Lake, Fishtrap Lake, Taylorsville Lake and Yatesville Lake.
Fishing Guide
Para Española
Check out the latest issue of theKentucky Spring Hunting Guide (March - June 2025)- Regulations Summary.
Squirrel Hunting:
Spring Squirrel Hunting Season has changed:
Statewide spring squirrel season runs from the third Saturday in May (May 17, 2025) through the third Sunday in June (June 15, 2025).
Nonresident Licenses and Permit Fees Increased:
Nonresident License and Permit fees have been increased for the 2025-26 Season:
Check out the latest issue of the Kentucky Hunting Guide for Migratory Birds and Waterfowl (2024-25) - Regulations Summary.
Combined Guides
The Kentucky Migratory Bird Hunting Guide, commonly called the "Dove Guide," and the Kentucky Waterfowl Hunting Guide are combined into one guide. When you download the guide, please refer to the table of contents to find season dates, license information, public land hunting, and other information.
Public Dove Fields:
All current and updated information on the Public Dove Fields can be found on our website; it is no longer listed in the guide. Check out our Migratory Birds page and select the "Public Dove Fields" tile.
Dove Field Locations Can Change
The 2024 Kentucky Dove Fields locations and information are subject to change. The field information will be updated as it is received. Fields are also subjected to change depending on the weather. Please continue to check the Public Doves Field page before heading out into the fields.
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Kentucky manages wildlife for conservation and provides hunters, anglers, and outdoors enthusiasts with exciting experiences in the field. As part of its management strategy, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources sets seasons, bag limits, hunting areas, and other regulations based on science, research, and input from the people who enjoy using these resources. Our guides are a SUMMARY of hunting, fishing, boating, and trapping regulations. These guides are intended solely for informational use. It is not a reprint of any referenced statute or regulation and should not be used as such.
Questions about the information in these guides should be directed to the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources at 1-800-858-1549 BEFORE engaging in the referenced activities.
A person shall not enter upon the lands of another to hunt, fish or trap without the oral or written permission of the landowner, tenant or person who has the authority to grant permission. Those who fail to obtain permission are subject to arrest and prosecution. Railroad tracks and rights of way are privately owned property and permission to hunt, fish or trap must be obtained prior to entry. (KRS 150:092)